Help with buying new speakers

Center speaker purchased. Check.

L & R mains are just going to have to wait until Mr. Pundit gets over the sticker shock of the center speaker.

Notation made about the sub-woofer wattage. That’ll have to wait as well, as well as the satellites.

Thanks for letting me sponge off all your expertise.

Also Lisa, shop around for a new reciever, and think about how you can use it as the centerpeice for your home theater. For example, if you have a digital cable box, vcr, and DVD player, then getting a reciever that has 3 or more video and audio inputs (Composite, s-video, or Component) will let you have sound from all sources going through one box, and then to your TV. This lets you set audio levels for each device, as well as how you want to listen to them. So while I have digital suround for DVD watching, when I switch to CD on my reciever, it knows to automatically switch the audio settings to “simulated suround” which makes up for the stereo only outputs on my CD player. Good luck, and like others have said, one piece at a time is the way to go. I’ve built my system up over years, and it’s just ok in comparision to the high end systems. But is sounds good to me.

Oh, and B&W speakers are very nice. Those are currently my rear speakers. I have a set of Bose 301’s for the front, and a Bose something for the Center…no sub for me, but then I don’t really miss it. The front speakers are large enough to handle the bass for my listening preferances.