Heroes and pedophiles

How much older is Colossus than Kitty? That one doesn’t bug me much, but did anyone ever think it odd how Wolverine always seems to pair up with the little girl of the group, eh?

Colossus was 18 (Colossus in a bar: “I am nearly nineteen”), and Kitty was a very precocious 13 1/2 when she joined the X-men.

Wolverine’s realationship with Kitty and later on, Rogue and Jubilee, always seemed more like a protector paired with a sensitive girl who could see dignity in a “savage” that others often missed. Yeah, theres a bit of an adolescent crush involved there, too, but Wolverine never seemed to show romantic feelings for any but the adult women in the group. In any case, even with Jean or Ororo, Logan would be something like 100 years older than she is, which makes the difference between mid-teens and late teens seem inconsequential.

On the OP–I don’t really see anything wrong with an adult being attracted to a sexually mature, though younger, member of the opposite sex. It’s when the relationship is consummated, or when the object of affection is not sexually mature that troubles me. Twenty something Karen Duffy and seven or eight year old Brian Bonsall in Blank Check is more than a little creepy.

Waterworld had some of that Hum-Lo mojo. The movie was sickening, but not because of that. It was just a terrible movie.