Herschel Walker (need I say more?)

I want (the party that is okay with electing people who pay to abort endangered baby eagles) in control of the senate.

The scandal is affecting him, if you trust polls.

Less than a third of independents said they would vote for Walker, along with 21% who identified as moderate, 75% of Republicans and 69% of respondents who identify as conservatives.

That doesn’t sound very good for him.

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Especially in a midterm, turnout is critical.

I’m really hoping that with Kemp (the man who let Joe Biden steal the election) and Walker ( a black man with dubious family values) as the key Republicans on the ballot - many MAGA voters, tired from a long and stressful day at work on Nov 8th, decide they’d rather do something other than stand in line at the polls.

She also said she supports Herschel’s policies, making it seem like that guy actually has thoughts on policy.

The simple fact that there is a very good chance that Walker could be elected is simply astounding. Just like Trump in 2016. It should tell you all you need to know about the state of American politics.

I knew it was over when he got elected. I said it back then there is no coming back from that.

Some of them may think that the abortion was the woman’s idea, and maybe it was but it’s a private issue. It’s his ATTITUDE about the whole thing!

The Atlantic has a new story about him, and the title alone speaks volumes. And as for being Christian, okay, only God knows what’s in his heart, but his opponent is REV. Raphael Warnock, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church - yeah, that one.

And speaking of eagles:


Of Walker’s many memorable quips, I think my favourite is the one where he said (I’m paraphrasing from memory) that a debate with Warnock would be very unfair because he (Walker) was not very bright and Warnock would thoroughly embarrass him. I guess in Walker’s mind – and quite likely in the minds of many of his supporters – being dumb as a brick is a feature, not a bug, and distinguishes one favourably from contemptible elitists who use things like facts, logic, and big words.

(cough cough) Sarah Palin? Or Michele Bachmann?

Did y’all see this gem?

Of course, I do not know how trustworthy Raw Story is

I guess God redeemed him from the pushing the abortion, the domestic violence and the abandonment of his children he fathered out of wedlock.

Don’t do as I do, do as I say!

One of his biggest critics, his own son Christian Walker (yes, his real name) is from a mixed-race marriage. I wonder how some of his supporters feel about that, if they even know.

The charlatan Al Sharpton is a REV. too. What does being a REV. have to do with who will serve the people of GA best as Senator?

What does serving the people of Georgia have to do with it?

It’s all about “pwning the lib’s”.

And would also be a better Senator than Herschel Walker.

Really? How so?

You’ve got to remember that Republicans are neither pro-life nor anti-abortion. I’ve said many times that there are actually six sides to the abortion debate, not two, and the side most Republicans, or at least most Republican office-holders, are on is the anti-choice side. Anti-choicers would be just as happy to mandate abortion as to ban it, if the political environment made that possible, and certainly have no problem with abortion so long as it wasn’t the woman who made the decision.

Sharpton isn’t stupid. His views are often, um, controversial, but he HAS views that are mostly logically consistent. Walker seems to say whatever pops into his head, whether it has any connection to this reality or not.

He doesn’t have policies of his own, but he very much seems to be saying he’ll keep his head down and vote for whatever the Republicans tell him to.

That’s the policy she agrees with