Hey! Where ya goin' Dad? Huh? Where?

MagicEyes, nah…I’m not brave, just doing what needed to be done at the moment. Any of you would have done the same.

…and now for another graceful transition to goats. I’ve never owned any. I had a friend who raised pygmy goats for awhile. I’ve eaten goat meat; it was okay.
One of my great-uncles in Germany raised bunny rabbits…but not as pets. Since we have bunny owners here, I won’t say anymore.

I have a workshop on Network Demand Capacity Forecasting models today. Doesn’t that just sound like fun? I’d rather stay in my office and actually do some work, but the boss is going to this workshop too and fully expects me to be there.

All this talk of french toast is making me crave some. Stop it! Stop it now! Please!

I had to reinstall Windows XP on one of my computers last night. Now, this wouldn’t normally be problematic, however, I had to reset the BIOS to make the CD drive with the Windows disk the primary boot. Why? Because the Windows installation disk is old and of course the version on my computer was deemed “newer” because it had all the updates. So, after posting a question in General Questions and talking to a friend of mine, I got it figured out. So between the excitement with my friend and reinstalling Windows (and it’s fifty bazillion updates) it was a long night. However, I was victorious. I even networked the computers so they can share documents and stuff. I burned the pictures from my camping trip to a CD so I could bring them here and load a few to my photo hosting page. However…did I bring said CD to work? Well, of COURSE not. I walked right out of the house without it. Ugh! I also reinstalled the World of Warcraft game on the troublesome computer and downloaded the latest patch for it to get it up and running. This should make my hubby very happy. I saved us some dollars and saved him frustration and work.

My tummy is rumbly. The quad shot Americano isn’t cutting it as breakfast today. I’m going to have get me some water to fill my tummy up now.

So, I didn’t make it for the Monday Morning Post, but here I am on Tuesday, all ready to go.

Yesterday, I had a tryout for Jeopardy! And I passed! Of course, that’s no guarantee that I’ll get on the show, but there were 60 people in the room for the written test, and only 9 of us got enough right to move on. (I actually didn’t think it was very hard–I’m not trying to be modest, I really didn’t think it was that difficult!) I was kickass on the buzzer, and I was charming and witty during the little interview section. I’d totally put me on TV. I hope they don’t hold my hair against me–it was really humid yesterday, and I don’t think I can be held accountable for the calamity that was my hair–it has a mind of its own.

Saturday, I woke up at six-thirty in the damn morning, so excited about getting my Harry Potter book that I couldn’t sleep anymore. I finally got out of bed around 8:30. My best friend arrived with a Box o’ Joe around 12:30 (she picked up the book on Friday night, and was 200 pages ahead of me), and my book finally showed up around one. I spent the next seven hours sitting gleefully on my couch, and finished the book by 8:30.

And then Sunday, I did a little housecleaning, and read the whole damn book again. Yes, I love Harry Potter, why do you ask? :slight_smile:

Big hugs to Puggy and Mr. Anachi, glad to hear everything’s going well–hang in there!

I have absolutely no goat stories, and I feel somewhat inferior about it. I do, however, have cat-puke stories, but they’re not very exciting. I’ve taken to doing what most cat owners do–assure myself when I hear the noises that they’re not about to puke on anything important, and then let them finish their business. Khan won’t puke if I’m watching him, he’ll start to shake from holding it in, poor thing. Sirius puked on my bed last week–I think it was retaliation for moving the food bowl. Like that fat bastage can’t find anything edible in a ten-mile radius. snort

Horses aren’t evil Rue, horses are dumb. Cats are evil.

Speaking of eating goats, even cats won’t eat a goat kidney, don’t ask me how I know this.

Anaamika, I could tell you a sorta joke about people asking if you’ve lost weight, but then you’d hate me, and that’s a big enough club already.

We’ve got 4 computers with XP on ‘em, Taters and I can’t get any of ‘em to share anything with anybody!

Okay, EllaBean, it’s a MMP rule that when you talk about unusual (and sometimes even usual) food, you have to share the recipe. Ask anybody. So how do you make tofu-soy French Toast?

BTW, we went to Target Sunday and bought two Harry Potter books, one for us and one for the GirlChild. I’m reading ours in fits and starts as I have time.

’zine, think that maybe I might want to hear it?

I was in a meeting today, and my weight loss progress became the small talk topic for a couple of minutes.

project boss: “Bob, there’s less of you to go around.”

me: “Yeah. I was thinking that maybe I might be able to fit behind the equipment racks now.” (big racks of NASA stuff in our lab, and it’s a tight fit for several of us)

PB: “Don’t get cocky.” (when I make goal, he’ll be the biggest guy around)

OK, so you had to be there, but it warmed the cockles of my heart that’s 2 sizes too small.

I hit the “Post Reply” button, got distracted by something, then came back and forgot what I was going to say. Just pretend I said something witty.

You know, we had two cats, at different times, when I was a kid growing up and I NEVER recall seeing either one of them barf. And it wasn’t like I was a stupid unobservant kid. No I was The Daughter Who Wanted to Be a Veternarian*, so therefore any distasteful chores which accompanied pet ownership were automatically transferred to me. This was on the theory that I needed to know the bad as well as the good (it’s not all petting cute puppies and kitties Ellen). So, you know that little job you have to do if you have indoor dogs? The one involving their, um, nether region? Rue knows what I’m talking about. I did that. But kitty puke? No, I’m sure I’d remember that.

  • I grew up not to be a veternarian, but a writer. Is anyone surprised? :smiley:

I got busy with assorted stuff yesterday, so this is my catch-up post. I don’t know about mud wrasslin’ but if the chandelier is purple, I’ll take it, ‘cause a friend is lookin’ for one!

I never had goats(unless you count cabrito! Yum!), but I did have two chickens. My uncle decided to go into the chicken business, so he bought 10,000 baby chickens! Two of the chicks had bluish-gray feathers and the other chickens picked (pecked?) on them. We were visiting them so he gave them to me. imagine driving all the way from Arkansas to West Texas with two chicks running around in the car!

In other news, Mr. Anachi listened to me and got better! Yay! I wish he could teach my hubby to listen to me!

Draelin , you rock! They were having tryouts for Jeopardy in Dallas about 5.5 years ago, but I couldn’t go, because I was 8.5 months pregant, and didn’t want to go that far away from home.

Lissa I don’t want seven husbands, the one I’ve got is plenty believe me!

Lest I mislead anyone, the reason I didn’t get back to the MMP, is that we took the girls and the dog to the lake to cool off. Mick (the dog) is a poodle, so he didn’t like the water so much.

I guess that’s enough catchup.


my goodness, you have a lot of rules concerning the discussion of food.

well, let’s see…

I used 3/4 block of regular tofu
3/4 cup soymilk (vanilla, but i don’t think it makes much of a difference)
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp vegetable oil

all put in a food processor and blended together, then dipped my bread in and fried it.

I had much more mixy-stuff than I needed and I definitely used too much oil for the frying part. I’d make more (properly) but we seem to be out of bread.

and the muffins… (these are good and fairly idiotproof.)

1 1/2 c flour
1 c wheat germ
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp salt
2-3 tsp cinnamon
1/4-1/2 tsp nutmeg
Ener-G Egg Replacer equal to one egg
1/2 c brown vegan sugar
1/3 c vegetable oil
1 c applesauce 1/2 cup soy or rice milk

mix wet ingredients, mix dty ingredients, mix together

put it all in a muffin tin and then sprinkle the top with cinnamon sugar (or coat it, whichever you prefer) bake at 425 for 17 minutes.

OK, I’m not a newbie to the MMP or anything, but now I’m confused. I thought the “husband” thing was a joke. Someone please esplain??? :confused:

Goats. Hm. Let’s see. The only story I have about goats is that the nice thing about living in a small town is you sure do know when you hit the outskirts of town. House, house, house, GOATS.

Weekend. We went to the 2005 MidWest GeoBash and man was it ever FUN. Humid, and hot, and sticky, but fun all the same. Next year’s is supposed to be EVEN BIGGER and way cooler and stuff like that, so everyone is invited.
We had people come from all over the place: Cananada, and West Virginia, and Nebraska, and Pennsylvania, and even Cincinnati. :smiley: Oh, and one guy drove all the way up from Baton Rouge just to go to the GeoBash. I think he’s a bit nuts, but then again he admitted that, so what the heck. Nice guy, though. Anyway, our weekend was a bunch of Geocaching related activities, and we had fun and we’re really really glad to get home in the air conditioning.

Duh. Forgot the rest of my post until riiiiight after I hit “submit”. Natcherly.

Anachis: Sending good get-well vibes your way. Glad to hear that Mr. Anachi is doing OK-ish.

And today’s short-skirt-alert-level (sponsored by swampbrand pool noodles & beer playset) is:

Blue - Full length pants worn. Minimal chance of bra glimpse through armpits of sleveless top.

My parents are on a cruise in Russia right now. I’m sure they’re having a blast. I usually talk to my mom every day, though, and now I miss it. We don’t say much - but it’s nice to hear a loving voice at the end of the day.

I got to pick up a package from the post office today, and I’m excited to go home and open it. I know what’s in it (some books, including cookbooks! Yay!), but it’s always a thrill to get any form of package.

I have to return this to Victoria’s Secret. I ordered it online, and it just didn’t look quite as good on me as on the model. Of course, I expect that, but it just wasn’t right for me. (And for those afraid to click on the link, it’s a bathing suit)


Well, I lied. That’s what we old timer MMPers call heapin’ guilt on the newbies until they surrender their recipes. We actually have no rules concerning the discussion of food, or anything else for that matter. It’s sorta an MMP rule that there are no rules, except that that would be a rule, which we don’t have any of. Got it?

BTW, Ella (may I call you Ella?) how does brown vegan sugar differ from regular brown sugar? Seriously.

DogMom, about Lissla husbands; she’s Canadian.

You mean that isn’t you Susan?

Yyyyyeaaaahhhhhh…hm. Nope, still not helping. All my in-laws are Canadian and they’ve pretty much stuck with the one-spouse thing.
Still :confused:

Tuesday’s almost over! Yay! Tuesday’s my least favorite day of the week.

I thought I was the only person who hated Tuesday. Of course, it rarely compares with the unbelievable suck that is Thursday, but it’s pretty bad, nevertheless.

And the only thing that makes Wednesdays bearable is the giggle I get over the term “hump day.” And the TV shows that are on in season.

So, I just know you’re all wondering about my dinner with** 'Toons** - it was very nice and way too short. He’s a charming dinner partner and an all around fun person. If you get a chance to meet him, I highly recommend it. Plus he gave us a jar of his own personal, made with his own little hands, spiced peach jam! I’ll try it and tell you all how yummy it is. I’m sure it will be because I’ve had his 'nanner bread and it’s yummy.

I invented a fake crab dip thing tonight. We bought some horseradish cheddar cheese and I melted some of it with a little milk. Then I mixed in some chopped up fake crab. We experimented with salt and pepper and Old Bay - it was very yummy in all variants. We ate it on Ritz crackers. I shall experiment further because we have a big hunk of the cheese.

That’s all I’ve got for today. I have no goat stories. I’ve petted a few in my day, but never owned one and never noshed on goat.

Are any of them from Toronto? Maybe it’s just something those Torontoans do?
Although you’d expect that sort of thing from the Quebecoise, wouldn’t you?

I’ll be short with the Mr. Anachi update. He got moved to progressive care last nite, got to take a shower and shave this morning, bed head gone, is up walking around, wants to go home, gets to come home tomorrow, YAY!!! He’ll be under house arrest for a couple weeks but it’s all good. The beach, meh, highly over-rated. :smiley:

taters, you kept your head and took care of business with the neighbor. That’s a rare quality, believe me. Don’tcha just hate it when the SO starts turning the color of dough? I really, really wish they wouldn’t do that. :frowning:

draelin, six thirty on a Saturday is sleeping in around here. :wink:

sneezy, I think there is a rule (not an MMP rule, cause we don’t have em, but a rule) whereby your own husband doesn’t mind.

Nah, it’s not a Canadian thing. lissla has just figured out a way to buck the system and flaunt rules and “appoint” willing husbands. She rocks!! I think it might have something to do with very good tatas. :smiley:


No way, I hate Tuesdays too!

Maple Syrup?!?!? How can you hug a tree if you bleed it dry? :eek: :smack:

:wink: :smiley: and <snerk>