Hilarious one-liners from B Movies (or worse)

In the truly awesome:confused: Adventures of Ford Fairlane, Colleen (Priscilla Presley) has woken our hero early in the morning (probably about 10.30am), and he arises from his bed with, uh, morning wood (so to speak). Priscilla observes this which leads to the following classic gem:

Ford: Oh, don’t mind Stanley.
Colleen: Stanley?
Ford: Named after the power drill!

“Down, Stanley! Down – ROSEANNE BARR NAKED!”

I love that movie.
“Come on, down boy. Down Stanley. Roseanne Barr naked. Gone.”

Just about anything from Repo Man

Let’s go get sushi and not pay

You eat a lot of acid, Miller, back in the hippie days?

From “The Tanks Are Coming”:

German soldier to Yank wearing German uniform in order to sneak behind German lines:

“Sprechen sie Deutsch?”

“Jawohl, droppen sie dead!”

Wow. I thought my brother and I were the only people on Earth who had seen that one. Nifty bit you forgot: That’s Chad “Tommy Westphall” Allen as the dorky son, Sherman! (I wonder if he saw this in his snowglobe, too?)

For more amazing quotes you must watch The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra! You get such gems as “Ranger Brad, I’m a scientist. I don’t believe in anything.” “Must find Amish Terrarium…” “Seriously, Betty, you know what this meteor could mean to science. If we find it, and it’s real, it could mean a lot. It could mean actual advances in the field of science.” And the best one of all, “I SLEEP NOW!”

And, of course, Jon “Uncle Rico” Gries as O.D.

There’s a novel? I had no idea. [Wanders off to amazon]

From Counterpoint, an all-but-forgotten WWII drama with Charleton Heston and Maximillian Schell:

INFILTRATOR #1: (Misdirecting traffic during the Battle of the Bulge) Hey, USO! Give my regards to Betty Grable!

INFILTRATOR #2: (Puzzled) Wer ist diese “Betty Grable”?

INFILTRATOR #1: Sie ist eine schoene amerikanische Film-Star!

What the hell kind of lame-ass infiltrator would have to ask his buddy who Betty Grable was? :dubious:

I read that in my head with a very bad Arnold voice.

See this? This…is…my…BOOM STICK!

Yes! I can’t believe this thread made it until then without mention of the Evil Dead series. I really have to watch those movies again… been a while.

Who’s laughing now!

Nope, I’ve seen it, too. Saw it in the theater, in fact, and it’s currently on my DVR at home. It’s just so damn goofy. The backyard that is an obvious studio set, the wacky neighbor, and you left out Diane Franklin (Better Off Dead, The Last American Virgin) turning in some atrocious acting as the daughter, acting so poor that it pretty well had to be deliberate.

Love that series, although you didn’t mention some of my favorite lines:

Ranger Brad: We take our horrible mutilations seriously around these parts.

Animala: Always agree.

Just last night I watched Dark and Stormy Night from the same creative group, a parody of the locked-in-a-haunted-house whodunnits of yesteryear. Loads of great character names in that one, such as Mrs. Cupcupboard, Gunny Gunny Luck Cakes, Broca Santechow…but my favorite has to be Dr. Van von Vandervon.

“That was TOO close!”

-Plan 9 (again!)

…that makesthis scene from Community even funnier!

i remember this one as wel… epic…

I love this one I came across the other day
“It’s impossible for anyone to grow more than 30 feet tall!”
The 30 Foot Bride Of Candy Rock

So, my friends and I hang out and watch “bad” movies from time to time, and once, the choice on deck was Renny Harlin’s Mind Hunters. Now, it’s cheesy, and ridiculous, but fun in a quirky, action-suspense kinda way.

For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s about a bunch of FBI Profilers in training on an island, isolated, and they begin to be killed, one by one, by a predator who uses their weaknesses against them. The one most inclined to lead is tricked into a trap because of that impulse, for instance.

So near the end, it’s down to three - the killer, our female lead, and the main red herring, played by LL Cool J. After a tense standoff, the female lead manages to shoot the killer, ending the threat, and LL Cool J earns a goddamn Oscar by saying this with a straight face :

"I guess we found out his weakness: bullets. "

I applauded.

One of my favorite terrible movies is Kung Pow, which I saw in the theater in all its terrible glory.