Hildi Jumps the Shark

Vern left??? I didnt realize that. damn

The HO didn’t like it but were polite.


Has Trading Spaces been satirized on any shows, like SNL or The Daily Show? Used as a plot on any tv sitcom?

According to TWoP, Vern has left “to pursue other interests.”


It will be interesting to see what happens now. I know the HOs had to spend thousands of dollars fixing the Flower Bathroom, and it took the HOs 80 hours to pull all the hay off the wall.

80 hours


Mad TV satirized it–all I remember is the guy playing Frank saying he was going home to his wife and Paige saying “You have a wife?”

Vern was my favorite.



Anyone else catch that Hildious wasn’t actually using liquid nails? She was using adhesive caulk (which made Ty’s exposition when he was showing the HO how to use LN even more amusing- “You don’t want to confuse this stuff with adhesive caulk…”)… liquid nails is never white, and doesn’t shoot out of the tube like they showed.

Mr. Kitty and I couldn’t decide if she is plain stupid or plain hateful- there’s no way to get liquid nails off a wall. None. You can’t even sand it down and ever expect it to look right. The only way the HOs could fix that room (even with the adhesive caulk instead of liquid nails) is either nail up furring strips and re-sheetrock the whole room, shrinking it overall, or yank out all the existing sheetrock and replace it. So, did she actually think they could take it down without problem, or was she well aware of the potential issues and downplayed them?

I’m beginning to think she’s embezzling. $350 for the bed, $20 for the cardboard- what the hell did she spend the other $500 on? She never gave Paige a straight answer on that. Gods, I hate her. Hate, hate, hate, hate.

But best line of the night? The female HO, coming out at the second reveal, “Do you think it’s even?”

Frank’s room, incidentally, was beautiful. And props to Ty for building a lovely bed.

I think she’s just mean and hateful. Her remarks last week that her whole house is white proves that. She’d never have this stuff in her house, but she loves inflicting it on other people.
The shit she puts up on walls is just beyond normal. With all due respect to Otto and the records (which I hated), gluing things to your walls as a design feature just isn’t normal.
At least with the record albums, the damage wasn’t quite so permanent.
I think this one will be a lot like the Hay Wall and Flower Bathroom - new walls all around, at great expense to the HOs.

HOs are going to start “protecting” their walls like they protect certain pieces of furniture. “You can paint the walls, but I don’t want anything glued to them.”
And you know, cardboard has a smell. Wouldn’t that room smell funny?
Frank’s room was very nice. I loved the new linens on the bed. That dark cranberry color went well with the dark furniture.
I thought painting the ceiling that darker color would make it seem closed in, but it looked nice.

Not to mention the potential for bug infestation. Silverfish and other little critters love cardboard, and the bug season down here is a lot longer than up north.

On second viewing (it’s on right now), Hildi was using GE silicon adhesive caulk (sad that I can recognize such things from the tube), which would be slightly easier to remove, in that it wouldn’t take out HUGE CHUNKS OF THE WALL. However, even if they could get everything off, the HOs would be forced into a stucco-type treatment on the walls- they’ll simply never be smooth.


I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry this time around at Ty’s comments… he and Frank obviously knew what was going on next door. Yeesh.

Did anyone see the episode when she glued MOSS on the bedroom walls?!? the HO came in with their eyes closed & the husband said " oh man, something stinks!" When they opened their eyes they couldn’t speak. the wife cried.
Ugly wasn’t enough, stinky wasn’t enough. The mold alone would make it unlivable. Then there are the inhabitants of the moss. … Sweet dreams…

That would seriously be one of my absolute restrictions if I knew Hildious was going to be designing my room.

“She can’t touch the walls!”

What I don’t get is how no one objects to her wall treatments on the basis of safety. I dunno about you, but I think cardboard (or feathers) on a wall is a fire hazard at the very least.

And those who think Hildi does this only on TS are right. I saw her on a Designer’s Challenge show and she did a beautiful job–if I remember correctly, the homeowners selected her design. All I can think is that she regards the TS homeowners as guinea pigs for testing ideas.

And, damnit, I didn’t know Vern had left, either. Wah!

That wasn’t Hildi, that was Genevieve. This time, TS took it down because the HOs had allergies.

Seriously, I was talking about this with my mother. Her defense of it is, “Well, you agree when you sign up!” However, I have a real problem with the damage that Hildi has inflicted on the HOs and that they had to pay out of their own pockets. I think if something is seriously damaged and will cost big bucks, TS should pay for it.

Especially since they have a clause that you can’t sell any of the stuff from the show on eBay afterwards. What the fuck is up with that?

Yeah, Hildi is there for the ratings. But she’s still pretty evil.

Silverfish? Oh, I HATE silverfish! They look like tiny leeches! I scream whenever I see them and stomp on them. shudder

She’s an elitist twit who does it just because she can. She doesn’t give a crap about the owners of the home because they’re poor (by her standards) so the hell with them; their property is worth no more than her having fun with it.

I can see it now: an underground cell calling itself the “Fans of Trading Spaces Anti-Hildi Brigade” taking advantage of Hildi’s scheduled time on the road to break into Hildi’s antiseptic, white-walled domicile and, uh, “decorate” it in her own signature style – doing the exact same things to her that she’s done to others.

Where do we sign up? :smiley:

I hereby call the first meeting of the FOTSAHB to order.

Now, what should we do Hildi’s living room as?

Well, that cardboard was pretty hildeous.

Presumably she’s done bedrooms, living rooms, dens, kitchens,… no? It then becomes a question of picking the ugliest, least practical, most hazardous, etc. examples of each. After that, it’ll be drawing up lists of required materials.

Now, who’s going to be responsible for procuring several gallons of ugly orange paint? :slight_smile:

I saw that happen once, but it was with Doug, not Hildi. He wanted to install a mirror over a mantelpiece and the helpers flatly refused to do it, saying they knew their friends would hate it. He threw an absolute fit and attempted to do it by himself. When it didn’t fit the spot in the end, the helpers gloated and Doug pouted. What a jerk. If Vern’s left, there’s no one on that show I’d let anywhere near my apartment.

We just tuned in for the reveal on the cardboard fiasco - we couldn’t watch a whole hour of Hildi wrecking someone else’s home. The lady’s response was great - she was trying so hard to stay positive, but she couldn’t keep it up when she went over to her friend’s room that she had made beautiful. No, it wasn’t even - you guys got royally screwed. I guess the up side of this is that the screwed homeowners know how to make a beautiful room now, so they can re-do their cardboard nightmare like their neighbour’s room.

(ps - I’ve seen a couple of episodes with Doug pouting/storming off the set - what a prima donna. I thought there was going to be a fistfight on one of the shows with him - it probably was the one with the fireplace mantel he wasn’t allowed to completely ruin.)

(pps - I think we should do every surface of Hildi’s house in a different, horrible glued on type of crap that she’s done in other people’s houses.)