hmm - maybe calling your opponents Anti-American isn't such a good strategy after all

Well Obama uses wrongeous dignation, so there. Frankly, I’m not unhappy that people are calling Bachman and her fellow travellers on their divisive bullshit.

Indeed. Tom Harkin’s opponent actually called him “the Tokyo Rose of Al Qaida”, and then some.

This year’s crop of Republicans is particularly vile.

If it makes you feel any better, Nobody, I saw what you did there.


Maybe the next step for Bachman is going to be using quotes from The Turner Diaries to support her positions.

The only congressperson on my blocked email list! I have no idea why I was getting emails from her; I’ve never even been to her state.

Maybe that’ll kick things into overdrive.

Oh, it’s not just Americans. Remember the huge to-do within the Muslim world following the Danish cartoons depicting Mohammaed? Happens in other countries as well, although no examples immediately come to mind.

Try refering to a Scotsman as English.

Do you write for a living? 'Cause you should.

“These aren’t the lunatic remarks you’re looking for.”