Hockey fights

Sparky812, personal insults are not allowed in this forum. Keep it civil, or take it to the Pit.

I say just let him drop the pads and see what happens.

As far as teaching players to fight, Derek Boogaard formed a Hockey Fighting Camp to teach youngsters the fine art of the hockey fight.

I’m not sure if it was held this past summer, but 2006 and 2007 had plenty of attendees.

He has seen hockey fights on TV so I maybe at a disadvantage but then I am from Los Angeles so maybe my gang will protect me.

Sparky, I play ice hockey, coached ice hockey, helped run a kids ice hockey league. I was a a certified USA Hockey coach as well. This is an annual renewal that I have not renewed.

There are 4 ice rinks within 20 minutes driving distance for me I could join a league to play in.

Just so you know, the Kings have been in the NHL longer then Calgary. The Ducks recently won the stanley cup. Both the Kings and Ducks go to other cities and play. They don’t just play each other over and over again in a local run down rink.

On TV, I can watch nearly ever Kings and Ducks game. I have the NHL Network so I think I can see nearly every CBC game plus whatever games Vs has.

Your opinions are fine, just as mine are. Because you live wherever you live, does not make your opinion any better or more informed then mine. When you bring things up like you do, you make yourself look closed and petty. You also chase away other fans. I see this all the time on other message boards.

Please excuse me, I don’t wish to participate in this thread any more.

I see you found your Cloutier clip, but I thought you’d like this classic.
û [sup]Take Care[/sup]

The announcer says, “This is the best hockey fight ever.” Really, now, what is the attraction to hockey? The game or the fights? If (American) football players can engage in physical contact without resorting to hand-to-hand combat, why can’t hockey players?

I repeat: He said, “The best hockey fight ever.” Best. Best What are the fans hoping for? A good game or a good fight?

Even if you could stand on a pair of skates, it wouldn’t be worth the time or effort.

Besides, these were your words not mine…

My advice… watch some video on turtling…LOL

I doubt this fact very much since USA Hockey Certification is not an annual renewal but every 3 years, if necessary. For certification you must progress through the Coaching Education Program until Level 4 and 5 at which point certifications do not expire and require no recertification.

When does my current certification level expire?

 That you failed to mentioned this, until now, concerns me. Secondly, you have already acknowledged that you watch your hockey on TV ...and who calls it "ice hockey" anyway. Your syntax and grammar betray your ignorance of the game from a player or coaching perspective. 

If you really want to compare credentials.
I have my NCCP levels 1 & 2 and when my boys were younger I coached them up until they went off to the Junior B level. I have also worked with Hockey Canada on reviewing the rules governing contact and equipment in junior hockey.

I’m sorry but this kills me about you. It could quit possibly be the most asinine post I’ve read on these boards.
Canadians destroying the NHL? Obviously, you have no idea how big hockey really is Canada. It’s often front page news, even in the summer. It is discussed, sometimes ad nauseum, 12 months of the year. It would be a extremely rare to find fans as knowledgeable.
The attendance at any rink has an effect on team performance as well as the fighting issue. As a player, I have seen fights first hand and been in a few myself.
Both these facts are relevant factors to the discussion at hand.

4? That’s it! LOL There are 4 public outdoor rinks and 10-15 backyard rinks within 20 minutes walking distance of my house! I don’t even want to guess how many rinks are within 20 minutes driving distance…maybe 50? I never counted them.
I already play for 2 teams but there are quite possibly hundreds I could join if I wanted.

Just to let you know, professional hockey has been in Calgary since 1921, L.A. Kings - 1967, Anaheim - 1993.
What !? They don’t just play each other over and over again like the Harlem Globetrotters? Which one is the Generals? How do they fill the other half of the arena?

So what? I can watch any hockey game that is televised anywhere in North America or the world with my satellite dish and the internet but I would play in a game a couple night a week instead of sitting on the couch.
I can also walk down the street and see one of the best junior hockey teams in the world. There is a good competitive game or more at any rink every night of the week almost year round. Good luck with that in LA or Anaheim.

Except that some of you opinions are clearly biased and incorrect. You have expressed very limited knowledge of hockey culture, especially in Canada. It is quite obvious you did not grow up playing "road" hockey, or on a frozen pond or on a backyard rink. You didn't spend countless hours practicing taking shots at the garage door or in the driveway or getting up at 4 or 5 am to get to the rink on time. 
If you choose not to accept an explanation of fighting in hockey from someone who has played and been around the sport for decades then who is it that is being closed-minded? 

LOL, I wonder why? Funny thing is you had some valid points but lost them trying to challenge my personal hockey knowledge instead of discussing the issue.

It’s the only thing that keeps hockey from being cold soccer, in my opinion.