Holy Shit! I just got a gig and I'm terrified!

So, ‘this Friday’ has come and gone–how’d it go?

Here’s one of my favorite sayings about pro musicians:

The difference between a pro and an amateur is that an amateur practices a song until he gets it right. A pro practices a song until he can’t get it wrong.

Haven’t heard this one. It’s a good one. I think I mentioned on a thread about anxiety that I used to pound a pot of coffee to try to get into a panic attack and force myself to play a set in my apartment. I no longer have panic attacks, but I still stress myself when practicing all the time, by over-drinking coffee, even practicing drunk (and recording myself), talking on the phone, all kinds of stuff.

It’s been a good habit for me, anyway, to get into. Doesn’t help me get down the “Minute Waltz” (as prep to playing the "Black Minute Waltz) though. :frowning: