How are pollsters accounting for the "too embarrassed to admit I voted for Trump" effect?

Yes, I can see that too.

I may have missed something in that, but I don’t see anything that even tried to look for an “embarrassment factor”. Just an recounting of the facts that the underdog came in, and a suggestion of a possible cause. If there is a study of people who said they voted for Trump but didn’t report it before than I missed it.

You are seeing the self-selected vocal ones. How would you know if someone was a Trump supporter and didn’t want to admit it?

One sign is that, if pressed, they will say that they will not vote for Trump…but they spend all their time bad-mouthing the other candidate.

Or they could have been someone who who tried to force an amoral kings consort down the throat of a public that said they were never going going to vote for that no matter what.

I always said giving SCA members the right to vote was a bad idea.

I disagree. If it exists, it’s much more likely to be akin to the Shy Tory Factor which has been well studied - and corrected for - here in the UK.

That attitude (i.e., the “Fuck you, media!” factor) predates Trump and is one aspect the Bradley effect overlooks. The right-wing’s distrust of the media has been around since Nixon was president. Over the past 50 years, there have likely been many incidents of arch-conservatives intentionally lying to pollsters just to screw with them.

Yeah, this.

The polls in 2016 were within the margin of error. It was a close election, and a ~70% chance of Clinton victory is obviously not the same as a 100% chance.