How can Casey Anthony go back to living a normal life? (Living life after a high-profile event)

In addition to any deals she might have made with her lawyers the line is already forming to get a piece of the almost guaranteed multi-million dollar income she will have soon. There is a defamation suit starting up by someone who claims she slandered them in her testimony, a search and rescue company out of Texas is starting a suit to recover the money they spent searching for her daughter, and that is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

But there should be plenty to go around, that is why they are lining up.

According to this story

They go on to speculate that her first interview will probably fetch $1 million or higher.

A think a lot of people underestimate how big the US is, let alone the world. There are plenty of places far away from Florida where many people have never heard of Casey Anthony. Heck, all I know about this case is what I’ve read on the SDMB.

No it hasn’t. She has spent 3 of the 7 years of her adult life in jail.

She could set up a Paypal donation webpage to raise money to pay for sterilization surgery. Think of all the money she’d rake in!

[Serious reply–it scares me that she has expressed an interest in having more children. When I heard the verdict my first thought was “please please don’t have any more children.”]

Pretty easily. The vast majority of people have never heard of her. Even if they have, what are they going to? Give her dirty looks?

Has there ever been anybody who has been through a big media circus trial,who has ever “suffered extremely” afterwards (by that I mean something like being lynched or viciously and repeatedly physically assaulted)? Lizzie Borden,William Calley, Angela Davis.William Zantzinger didn’t like the Bob Dylan song about him,claiming he distorted what happened but lived to be 69,although he had tax trouble. Some guys like G Gordon Liddy and Eliot Spitzer even parlay their crimes into a media career. Clifford Irving had a career and probably even more fame after being convicted in trying to pass off a bogus Howard Hughes autobiography.

If this woman has a miserable life,it will probably be due to her already existing characer defects,not because of anything that a pinhead like Nancy Grace has says.

None of them murdered their toddler and got away with it while the world watched.

So what? All those people in Susann’s list committed crimes and were convicted of them.

Casey also has the advantage of being extremely underweight and only 25.

By the time she’s in her forties and 50 lbs heavier she may be unrecognizable. Add in a name change and she can go anywhere unnoticed.

Calley was charged with murdering 109 people. I imagine there was a toddler in there somewhere. And he got off lighter then Anthony as well.

When was she leading a normal life?

Cute, but A) someone beat you to this joke, and B) it’s already been addressed.



Randy Weaver didn’t exactly “blend into obscurity”. He travels the gun show circuit selling Ruby Ridge T-shirts and autographs.

Weaver got into a week-long standoff with half of the ATF while the world watched.

Amy Fisher never escaped her past. She is on Dr, Drew now trying to recover. I suppose her guilt kept her from being normal. She claims the press has kept a relentless tab on her ever since her release.

Well technically, Linda Kasabian was not prosecuted and therefore not convicted of the Tate and Labianca murders although she was at both murder scenes. Linda was given immunity in order to win murder convictions against Charlie Manson, Tex Watson, Pat Krenwinkle, Susan Atkins, and Leslie VanHOughton. Linda Kasabian, as the state’s main witness in all 4 murder trials, Linda was more well known than any of the others in the Manson family except Charlie himself.

Well, Fatty Arbuckle’s career in the 1920s was pretty much destroyed after he was tried for (and acquitted of) raping and murdering a young actress.

And Michael Richards, though not charged with a crime, hasn’t really done anything of note since the infamous n-word incident, other than playing himself in the Seinfeld reunion season of “Curb Your Enthusiasm”

Originally Posted by Susanann
In addition, keep in mind, that over half of Casey’s adult life, has been behind bars in jail.

Casey Anthony was born in 1986, Casey is only 25 years old.

Casey Anthony has only been an adult for 4 years, and she spent about 3 of her 4 adult years in prison. Casey was a free adult woman for only about 1 year of her life. Most of Casey’s entire adult life was spent behind bars, in solitary. Casey really does not have a normal adult life, nor any sense of normality, to fall back on once she is released from jail. You can guarantee that Casey will have lots of problems adjusting to being free in society, esp Casey stays away from George Anthony and ends up with no family.

It was reported that Casey declined a visit from her mother in prison in the last couple of days. I guess that doesn’t bode well for her trying to take shelter with them when she’s released.

I wonder if she’ll be released to a halfway house first? I wonder if she’ll be such a security risk that the police will hide her somehow? Would witness protection be a stretch?

Didn’t she recently star in a few hardcore bugger movies for one of the big porn studios?