How Do You Fake Being British?

Have you read the Harry Potter series? Just don’t act like a Muggle and you’ll fit in just fine.

Study Dick Van Dyke’s performance in Mary Poppins. Classic…


Don’t forget to throw in a casual mention of your butler using the wrong tonic water with your Bombay Sapphire, too.

Oh, and feel free to start threads like “From whence can I obtain a supplementary bowler hat?” and “Knotted hankerchiefs: Which is this season’s pattern/colour?” :smiley:

Pip, pip - tally ho!
I say, old chap, could you spare a gander at my motor vehicle?
The bonnet, boot and the wing all need some repair.

Excuse me, I have to go spend a penny.

Use the word “brilliant” a lot.

How to be British

Of particular application is this section:

‘ere, watch it cock or I’ll fetch you a bunch o’ fives across yer napper.


So basically, you would like us to help you lie about your background on another message board, right?
Not cricket at all.
Closing thread.