How Do You Feel About The CHAZ / Seattle Take Over

I LOL-ed.


^ This.

FoxNews is desperate to turn this into a Terrifying Thing. I guess it’s good to see them having to work so hard, but…

If this happens it could be a major positive example for the entire nation.

As I heard someone saying sometime in the past couple of days, it’s worth asking why a well-armed person, with greater armament in his vehicle and the ability to call in more, has to stop you to give you a ticket for a rolling stop at a stop sign. (Generic “you.”)

This is something that could be handled by video evidence and the ticket mailed to you, with the usual options for dealing with it (pay, or contest and go to court). Why does a heavily-armed person have to stop you and give it to you?

Of course there is always need for some armed policing of roads and highways. But dramatic chases of armed bank robbers are only a tiny part of what police now do with regard to policing the roads. Some huge percentage of what police do now in that area, could be handled instead by ‘video patrol’ and the mail.

So maybe the Seattle situation could promote discussions of that sort of thing.

Fox “News” is desperate to turn this into a Terrifying Thing so as to create a half-assed believable reason for Trump to unleash his powers under the Insurrection Act.

That’s why the Mayor of Seattle came out with her strong statement that if Trump were to use that authority, it would be illegal. She’s right. There is no insurrection; the local powers have control of the situation; there is no rioting; the local powers are not asking for assistance; and Trump has not issued a cease and desist order for the “rioting” to stop.

In short, there is no there there.

TrumpCo, however, with the help of Fox “News”, are just itching to create a diversion away from Trump’s many failures. If they can frighten the general population into buying that their intervention is justified, they believe it will help Trump a lot in the election.

That’s why they are working so hard at this. Fear is always their ace in the hole.

It’s pretty much like Obama-Gate. Nothing to see here folks.

My relatives in Kentucky have offered space in their homes to my parents, since it’s so dangerous there.

My parents’ reaction:
[li]WTF?[/li][li]It’s safe.[/li][li]They are nowhere near it (more than 10 miles away).[/li][/ul]

Anybody want to guess who my relatives voted for? :smack:

If your news sources are saying it’s a hostile domestic terrorist takeover, they are lying to you and you should get better sources. Those news sources are the ones inciting terror, and are literally photoshopping pictures to show “terrorists”. If those sources ever had any credibility, they no longer do.

How do I feel? I have a friend who lives there, so I form my opinions straight from the man in the street, on location. He says that it’s like a tailgate party at a Phish show, and nobody is being harassed or inconvenienced, and there is nothing happening that could be called chaotic or threatening.

I feel badly for the resident and shop owners. My nephew lives in West Seattle, says it’s no big thing.

Why do you feel bad for them, if your nephew says it’s no big thing?

Stores have been shut for months due to CV-19. They’re just now beginning a phased-in reopening.

CHAZ is driving Fox News crazy, so good for them. Not only is Fox faking photos of the zone, they are now publishing old Monty Python bits as evidence of Seattle angst.

Good times.

“Well you can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tartthrew a sword at you.”

Because of them not being sorta of trapped and maybe want to get on with their lives after the lock down? Just saying… also you don’t know my nephew…

Nobody’s trapped. There are people who live up there on this board who’ve chimed in. I’m about 3 miles from there. My daughters live a few blocks away from it and have been going most days after work.

I have no idea what could be wrong with it. I mean, in real reality, not fake ginned-up-fears reality. If I lived around there I’d amble over and take in the vibes. It sounds pretty cool.

Lots of things COULD be wrong with it, but so far, very little actually is.

Trapped? How are they being prevented from getting on with their lives?

You need better news sources.

Yeah. FUD for the win! (Or so they hope.)

I’m not sure there’s any comparison to the current US situation in which millions can be lied to, without fear of contradiction, because they never look at any other sources of news.

No doubt there are right-wing-leaning media and left-wing-leaning media in other nations (the non-dictatorships, anyway). But as far as I know, there’s no other nation in which a solid third of the country has no idea what is going on because they refuse to look at anything other than their favored ‘tell me I’m at the center of the universe’ media.

So the Trumpites may just decide to go for the Insurrection Act strategy for keeping Donald out of prison, and trust that Barr and the other anti-democracy activists have firm control of the major armed elements that could otherwise oppose them.

‘May you live in interesting times’ is probably the most effective curse any human has ever created…

I’m glad theres on the ground people here to opine on the situation. Cause I’m not gonna believe any news source on this. Thanks folks.

I DID see the most pathetic dodgeball game ever on YT from within the zone.