How do you feel about wearing things that once belonged to a dead person?

When my grandfather died, the world was on the tail end of the “women in men’s shirts and ties” trend. I took a few of his short-sleeved dress shirts for summer wear. They were old and comfortable and whenever I put them on, it was a quick reminder of how much he loved me. It was like a day-long hug. I wore them until they fell apart.

I’m wearing Chandra’s underwear right now.

runs away

My boyfriend’s father died last year, and I helped clean out his apartment. I was putting his clothes into boxes and I found a bunch of tee shirts that were probably given to him as gifts, but they appeared to be never worn. I scooped them, I love big men’s sized tees. Doesn’t bother me a bit.

We have a lot of his dad’s stuff still, My BF is having a hard time deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. We donated some stuff, including his dad’s car, but he (my BF) has some things he wants to keep. I don’t think it’s creepy, and the memories are all good.

I have several fantastic hawaiian shirts, a pin-stripe suit and assorted unidentified-previous-owner, thrift-store gems. No problems at all (I jsut make sure to wash it all first).

My dad was in the USAF and I took from his dress uniform the ‘US’ pin and wore it on my jacket for awhile. Then it fell off at some point and it’s just gone. That made me feel bad. Recently though my Mom gave me the ENTIRE uniform and I wore it to a Halloween Party. I took a blue note book with me and questioned people about UFO’s they saw.