How Do You Hand Write the (US) Dollar Sign? One or Two Lines?

Either according to my mood or hurry at the time.

I use one line since my handwriting isn’t that great and the second line is likely to look like a one next to the dollar sign. Actually, I started doing it because I realized that when I was reading other people’s bad handwriting that was the mistake I was making.
Also, I make a line through my Zs so they don’t look like 2s. But that’s from math classes. I hated having a page look differential equation and finding out that somewhere in the middle I started writing 2 instead of Z. Putting a line through it stopped that.

Used two lines when I was a kid, but somewhere along the way I switched to using just one.

And I put lines through 0s, to distinguish them from Os (Navy habit); through Zs, to distinguish them from 2s (don’t know where I acquired that habit); and through 7s (high-school German class habit).

Two: one short one at the top and another short one at the bottom.

I used to write it with two, but out of sheer laziness I now write it with one.

Hmmmm. I really had to think about that! And then write it because I couldn’t remember! Two.

Oddly enough, I’m inconsistent. A lot of times I’ll write it with one line, and then decide that it looks funny or the line isn’t straight and add a second line. Then I’ll decide that two lines is hard to read and do one line the next time. A handwriting analyst would have a field day with me. (If handwriting analysis were a real thing.)

I find it surprising that so many people think that two lines is the “official” way, especially since most fonts and keyboards seem to use one line. I’m also surprised that both ways seem to be original. I would have expected one form to have developed first, but it seems to have been an individual variation in handwriting from the beginning.

One for speed, two for illustration.

Jesus. Looking over some crap I’ve written, and I realized I don’t dot my i’s either! :eek: