How do you like your National Anthem?

I would like it loud, as I stood on the Podium at Spa.

Otherwise Hendrix at Woodstock.

I agree completely the whole “God save New Zealand” makes me cringe. I always thought Fred Dagg’s “If it wern’t for your gumboots” should have been our Walzing Matilda.

Our national anthem is so needy and pesimistic “pleeeeeeeeeeeeease god protect us” . The Maori version is better, does any other national anthem have ‘utter fucker’ in it? I’m immature that always makes me giggle.

The Australian anthem is much more positive but everytime they sing it they use our pronounciation of advance rather then theirs. It is a much better, uplifting anthem though.

It’s not quite Hendrix at Woodstock, but I dig Dave Mustaine’s version: