How has NHL hockey changed from 1980-2020?

They are absolutely not going to replace the team crest itself, for the straightforward reason that team merch is an even bigger haul than selling ads. You can charge ghastly amounts of dough for jerseys, and that Habs logo is what moves product. Take that beloved crest off and jersey sales will crash.

Ads everywhere else on the jersey? Absolutely.

Most (maybe all) NFL teams have had ads on their practice jerseys for several years now, as well. Examples:!0/3rbz5bj4kk2k79kp5xnsxp3igkpqsu4

That is actually a bonus. Hockey is entertaining on its own. If you want fights, watch UFC.

I agree. Fighting slows the game down and no one wants to watch a goon try to skate and play the game. Even goalie fights bore me these days.

One thing which I found striking, watching some Edmonton Oilers clips from the 80’s, was how less disciplined the defense was-and not just the defensemen either. Tons of odd-man rushes, ill-advised pinches by the defensemen, players in the defensive zone completely out of position, etc. Modern day players have had their defensive responsibilities drilled into their heads from a very early age it would seem.

Pay is so high now and with a salary cap they don’t want to waste money and a roster spot on a goon who can’t really play much at all. If you want to see fights check out the ECHL if there is a team in your area. Only 5% at most of those guys make the NHL so they still fight. they have cut back the size on goalie pads and gloves in recent years to increase scoring. I think 3 v 3 in OT is too few players, they should have stayed 4 v 4 and increased OT to 10 minutes to have less shootouts . At least they don’t use shootouts in playoffs like soccer.

Yeah, even if the actual crests remain unscathed, NA jerseys will still look like European ones sooner than any of us will want.

Indeed, there’ve been complaints that coaches have developed defensive systems that have bogged down the game too much, and I’m not event talking about the trap.

it wasn’t like games were constant fight after fight. I don’t think they slowed down the game any more than the TV timeouts do today. I get why the league would want to discourage it from an “optics” standpoint, but I don’t agree with the wholesale push against enforcers. I don’t mean guys whose sole job is to kick asses, but at least one or two guys on the roster who send the message “if you cheap shot my teammates you’ll have to deal with me.” Otherwise you get what the Wings have dealt with where one of their skilled guys (Mantha) put himself out of commission for weeks just sticking up for himself.

Playoff overtime should go to 4 on 4 for the 2nd overtime, if not the first.


Don’t see playoff OT changing. I say that as a guy who saw 3 OTs and the game ended at 1 AM People next to me had a baby who slept through all 3 OTs and he did not seem to have any ear protection.