How has this shutdown affected you and yours?

Government websites with technical data are closed, and I had to make do with older estimates in my work Friday.

Mrs. FtG reminded me of this the other day. She has a relative whose spouse is with TSA.

They were barely making do before. This has got to be an immense struggle for them.

The effect on me due to the shutdown is very minor, but I will share it in case others haven’t considered this aspect yet.

I made my application to take Social Security a month ago and am waiting for a determination of amount, etc. I imagine the shutdown will delay everything.

It’s not a hardship for me, but for others who have applied, it very likely could be. And that just sucks.

I’m a fed employee whose component has a budget (for the first time in who knows how long!) Just this morning I was commenting that something seems amiss, if the furloughed workers are paid for work not done - especially should this stretch much longer.

Don’t get me wrong, I have great sympathy for the workers involved. The do not need the stress from uncertainty or delayed paychecks - or the crushing backlog many will face when allowed to return. But as with so many government actions, it doesn’t seem right to shift/hide the impact of this deliberate choice by policy-makers. Seems wasteful - even for gov’t - to be paying for services not received.

(Didn’t realize how many other feds were on these boards!)

I’m the wife in question. My project is funded from multiyear money so that’s correct; I’m not directly affected yet.

Washington Post has an interesting article on what will happen as things linger. The economic effects will become broader and broader as time goes by.

Cheetohead, unfortunately, seems to have a bee in his bonnet that tells him he CANNOT give in on the wall situation or he “loses”, no matter how many people he harms.

No, but…
…my sister has cancer, terminal, and I’m flying into the States next month to see her.
On top of that pain, I don’t know if the airports will be open next month, if Customs and Immigration will be staffed…
…if I’ll be able to see my sister, one last time.

Damn it all, anyway.

I forgot about this. Some web sites I use for policy documents are down. I saved local copies of most of the ones I need. I had to send one of my local copies to a colleague.

That’s a minor annoyance. But some .gov sites have their SSL certificates expiring, and the certs can’t be updated without the system admins working. I have to wonder if some non-authoritative SSL certificates will be introduced during the shutdown.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

DoD here. Not affected yet but if it continues to drag on…

Yesterday my 6 year old granddaughter offered her piggy bank money to her daddy so he wouldn’t have to go out and do odd jobs. She is the sweetest child and this makes me sad.

FYI, there’s a fundraiser for Coastguard personnel in DC on Thursday (coastguard isn’t getting paid).

I deplore this shutdown. However, I ‘benefited’ by rebooking my hotel reservations for DC next week and saved $40 per night. I assume everything will still be closed when I get to DC on Saturday, but I’m planning on moving to DC this year so I’ll still be able to explore some of the neighborhoods I’m interested in.

Just out of curiosity, dalej42 where are you looking?