How long are we going to 'tolerate' intolerance, esp Islamic fundamentalism?

Have we tried thoughts and prayers yet?

You can always tell when someone gets their ideas from Fox or similar ilk. It all makes so much sense to them, is perfectly clear, and the argument totally hangs together in their head.

Then they set it out in writing and it’s fantasy “facts” plus incompetently illogical gibberish thinking that doesn’t come close to hanging together as a position, much less as an argument for a position.

That’s the mark of a propaganda victim. Or perhaps I should say the mark of a propaganda mark.

Do you live in Afghanistan?

If not, then you are at no risk of the Taliban or it’s Supreme Leader having any power over you. Meanwhile, the people that want to have power over you, that have an actual chance of being given that power by the electorate, ain’t “islam”

I think you are being very disingenuous if you think that Islam is the religion/ideology that the overwhelming majority of us need to fear.

I fail to see what free speech has to do with this. I mean if the US-backed government had different free speech policies would the Taliban not be in control now? If this Taliban leader had been banned from saying this by the Taliban’s free speech policies, and media companies had been banned from repeating the statement, but the Taliban had still gone ahead and stoned women to death for adultery, would that be OK?

He’s a simpleton who thinks somehow “outlawing” Islam and then wiping out all those who disobeyed would solve the problems in the Middle East.

It’s outlawing Islam and then punishing dissidents that’s the “free speech” aspect.

Like I said he’s a simpleton.

Simpleton? Yep. And they’re a pretty damn (heheh) good example of how too many of those who folow the Prince of Peace act.

See, just tossing out “religion of peace” sarcastically does nothing other than show the bias of the jackass saying it.

Yes Islamic extremists are a danger to society and should be deported back to Muslim countries. Even the pro white Norse religion extremists that worship Odin and Thor are racist extremists and they always have rallies in America they should be put in 5150 mental health facility and banned from owning firearms.

You seem like laid back person.

Assuming I granted your assumptions, which I do NOT, what about all the born in the USA American citizens who are followers of the faith? Because, you can’t deport them to the void, although it sure looks like you want to. While you’re at it, are you going to deport (citizen or not) EVERY violent philosophy? Because we have a fuckton of Neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and the like who are verifiably more violent in the USA than those two groups you’ve explicitly mentioned. Are you going to lock them all up? Because pretty soon, you’re going to have roughly 1/3 of the nation locked up with free health care, room, board and needing 24/7 extensive care due to your lobotomies.

Then Imuseless can finally get a job, so I don’t think they’re going to see that as a negative.

As I see it, the main reason that progressives tend to view Islam in a somewhat more lenient light than Christianity is because 1) Islam is relatively powerless in the West, compared to Christianity and 2) conservatives like to rail against Muslims and Arabs, so liberals naturally counterbalance against it.

If we could take race and power out of the equation - which we can’t, of course - progressives would acknowledge that Islam is guilty of everything they criticize Christianity for, and more - and conservatives would admit that what they want to do is basically a watered-down Christian version of Islam.

I’m a Hindu. I used to work with Muslims who paid me less than minimum wage in a flea market job in cash under the table and i remember the one Muslims owner bragging about sleeping with an underage girl and not going to prison which pissed me off. Muslims can be hypocritical people because they preach about how pre martial sex is wrong but go on to have sex with lot of women before marriage in the west like Canada, USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand and European countries. Yes those pro white nationalist Norse religions extremists worshiping Odin and Thor are as violent as those radical Muslims extremists and both are cut from the same cloth. I’m not religious but I belive God and Karma. The Muslims got their karma when USA invaded Iraq and Afghanistan because Muslims used to invade Europe, Africa and Indian like the Mughal Empire invaded India and The Moors invaded Europe. I respect all religions. I don’t respect extremists, fascists, dictators or communists far right and far left types. I’m a centrist. I’m not a vegetarian and I eat both meat and vegetables.

24/7 extensive care would be an easy job and easy money because they wouldn’t be combative and resistant and the boss wouldn’t yell at you for taking a long time. Lobotomy should be only for serious violent extremism severely psycopathic, sociopathic, narcissistic and pedophiles types of mental health issues not people with anxiety and depression like me or people with autism or adhd and ocd.

Most leftist don’t realize that Muslims countries would execute lgbt people but yet the lgbt supports Islam so much. Yes Christianity is powerful in the west but not for long since lot of Christians are converting to Buddhists or Muslims and some are turning into atheists. So Christians are going to India and Africa along with some Asian countries to convert them to Christianity to gain more followers.

Absolutely everything you ascribed to Muslims can and has been done by many nominal Christians.

And you haven’t answered my question. Again:

How to make it clear you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about in one sentence!

I propose we invade and depose islamist terrorist regimes like the taliban, and occupy their countries for decades if necessary until a liberal democracy can flourish and those extremists can be permanently defeated.

Hang on a second, im getting some shocking new reports…

Yes I belive all Neo Nazis white supremacist should be deported to Europe since USA belongs to Native Americans who are rightful owners of the country and the rest of us are just people of either Asian, European or African descent.

Yes that’s why my name is I’m useless because of my dumb ideas.

Don’t tell the Lil’wrekker you’re deporting her boyfriend. She’ll go ape shit on you. (He’s Muslim, not really practicing, American born and educated. A Prof in a state University teaching English writing skills to EASL students.)

Then you will need intensive care.

Speaking of resistant patients. I’m a very nice person. I’ve often been in restraints in my hospital bed. Certain conditions make you not compliant. I would think mental issues would be the worst, in some patients.