How long do you think you'll live?

My life-long goal has always been to receive that ‘congrats for living to be 100’ letter from the president. Anything after that is just gravy on the biscuits. :slight_smile:

Well, I have the genetics to live a while, three grandparents lived until they were in mid 80s. Both parents had relatives who lived who lived into their nineties.

So far, I take care of myself, don’t drink much, don’t smoke, eat well, and excercise frequently. With the advances in medicine that may occur in the next 70 years, I don’t see why I won’t have a shot at living until 100.

Of course, this presupposes that I won’t get hit by a bus tommorow. Fate can be fickle.

Well lets see, My grandfather died in his40’s, my dad died in his fifties, my nonnie in her 60’s, my pop pop in his seventies and gramom is almost 80 and going strong. I guess I might live till about 80

As for genetics: I have one living great-grandparent (Mom’s grandmom, who’s 90), and one living grandparent (Mom’s mom, who will be 71 next week). My dad’s dad died at 87 (aftereffects of a stroke) , my mom’s dad at 58 (heart attack) and dad’s mother at 45 (cerebral hemmorage). Grandma has a heart condition and diabetes (and had a triple bypass at 45). So I can’t really predict how long I’ll live, but given my luck it will be too long or not long enough.

I expect to live into my 90s, for no particular reason. My beloved however, fully expects to drop dead somewhere mid-50s. :frowning:
I plan on embracing cronehood. cackles…

I intend to live long enough that death will die before I do.

(Love that line in your post, BTW, DreadCthulhu. Very cool.)

Hopefully, I’ll have another 40 years, taking me to 80. My mother died aged 70, but her mother died just shy of her 81st birthday. My father was 79 when he passed on, his father was 76, his mother 84. I’ve got too much to still achieve and create to die between now and 80 years of age.

I wont die…well I wont experience my own death so that must be true.

Well, I’m a heavy smoker, and a heavy drinker. It’s not been much of a life so far, so any time soon would be fine by me.

If the big guy up there is listening, smite me quickly dammit.

I’ll die on February 26th 2051, at 73 years of age.

I’m still in a state of stunned disbelief that I’ve made it this far. I’ve probably done more stupid things than smart things in my life and I’m the proud owner of a personality which allows me to become addicted to bad things instantaneously.

That is not dead Which can eternal lie,
and with strange aeons Even death may die.

Just as one Lovecraft fan to another, eh Cthulu? :wink:

Due to my excessive consumption of narcotics at an early age I had always expected to die at 27. I have now reached the old age of 24 and since I gave up on drugs (Seriously way too much hassle to be worth it…) I think I may have to rethink my life expectancy. 65 seems like a nice age to go, I’d reather skip going back to the diaper phase.

I think I’ll live to 80, which means I’m already nearly half-dead.

I don’t know why I picked this number. I’m in good shape, don’t smoke or drink. My only vice is some occasional public nudity but that’s not going to kill me…

is it?

My mom died at 68. My dad is 74 and in pretty good shape. I think I’ll probably die young. I hope someone will bring me a heroin overdose or drop the hairdryer in my bath or something if I get a tragic disease. I’m not one for long, drawn out good-byes.

Probably well into my 80s although my mind could go any day now.

And here I thought it was already gone :smiley:

hmm, 29 now and still alive here, I figure that’s better than 75% of all the humans that were ever born kicking. I’m kinda hoping Tegmark’s quantum suicide (quantum immortality) thought experiment holds up–I have no real desire to ever die. The secret is to edit out old memories periodically so you can experience things again, as if for the first time. Thus life always stays fresh.

Length isn’t as important to me as quality is. However, my great grandmother at the age of 91 went missing for an entire weekend. Come to find out, she had gone north with her 70 some yr old boyfriend. I want that at that age.:smiley:

Both my grandmothers are still going strong at 85 and 86, so my chances are pretty good.