How long does Irish Cream stay good?

The only thing I can think of is that the milk aspect may have spoiled from the heat, but surely that would be noticeable. Pour some out and see what it looks like, if it’s chunky or smells sour I definitely wouldn’t drink it. If it seems normal, have just a small taste to test it.

That said, I haven’t tried mine yet. :wink: But that’s just because I keep forgetting about it again…

That’s kind of what I was thinking I’d do. I’m kind of afraid to! LOL

Best with Swiss Miss Rich Chocolate or Indulgent Dark Chocolate Sensation.

Do like people do when they’re testing an unfamiliar plant for edibility. :wink: Put just a drop on your tongue at first, and if it doesn’t seem bad, try a larger taste.

I imagine it would be fairly obvious right away if the milk had spoiled. I rather think it would be detectable by smelling alone. At least I know mine hasn’t been exposed to undue heat, so I’m pretty confident it’s okay. Maybe I’ll have a wee tea with it this evening.

Well, I just poured a tiny bit in a glass after swirling it around in the bottle to make sure if there were any solids they wouldn’t be stuck at the bottom or anything.

Looks fine, smells fine – and I did a tiny taste test and it seems to taste fine.

So, perhaps I dodged a bullet?

I don’t really drink the stuff, I used it to make some delicious brownies back in March.

Perhaps that bottle will be relegated to baking so that anything bad can get cooked out and if I ever decide to drink some, I’ll get a new bottle.

That’s a good idea. And Irish Cream Brownies… that’s another good idea. :wink:

They were FABULOUS:

For the record, Baja Rosa does not stay good when kept on a non-refrigerated shelf for a year. That was vileeeee.

I saw some small bottles of Bailey’s for sale one time – not small as in airline samplers, but rather enough for a few drinks – and bought it just because it looked cute sitting on the shelf at home as a decorative item. Then one day after moving it – this was some years later – we could see enough through the smoky glass to tell that there was no liquid movement. The entire contents had solidified.


Er, that was in response to the “solidified bottle” post, not the “Irish Cream Brownies recipe” post…