How long from cirrhosis diagnosis until death?

I once knew a man who drank so much that he had to have a liver transplant. The day he got home from the hospital, he paid some kid to go to the liquor store and buy a pint of bourbon.

It was a long time ago and so I don’t recall exactly how long after that he died. But it wasn’t too long.

I would guess that each person has some degree of variability. I don’t know. But I think so.

Bottom line? I doubt they have very long. I won’t guess because I wouldn’t want to cause you any distress.

But, you should be able to Google that. No?

(Barney Google wit da Goo Goo Googley Booze … No?)

I’m just J/K although it prob is not something to joke about.

Thank you for this most helpful comment. I wish I knew more but my questions are met with answers that are apathetic or subject-changing or which indicate he doesn’t know/remember/I need to ask someone else.

Thanks again for your post. My brother died May 20, 2014. He drank til the end.

I’m sorry for your loss. He was pretty young. Thank you for keeping this thread updated.

A pity. The fate of alcoholics, if they fail to find sustained sobriety, is generally one of jails, institutions, and eventual premature death. My condolences.

I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you find peace.

I’m sorry to hear this news.

I am very sorry. My father also died prematurely due to his alcoholism, he drank right up until he couldn’t any more. It sucks.