How many guitar picks do you have?

I use my Cymbolic picks when I play bass too. I can’t get the hang of fingerpicking on either instrument. I’m very happy with my facility with a pick tho.

I remember the last time I acquired guitar picks. I got them at the House of Musical Traditions in Maryland in 2004. I remember the year because they had custom printed on some picks “Let’s not elect him in '04 either.” Another one said “Ukes not nukes.” I think I still have one from then.

I’ve played only nylon string classical for over 10 years now and have forgotten about picks altogether.

I think the first year I used a guitar pick must have been 1976. That was the year Eric Clapton released No Reason to Cry. On the cover a guitar pick reading “E.C.” with the tip broken off, and it was tactile-ly raised-embossed as was done to album covers in those days.

I usually only buy a little pack of the ones I like at a time. At the moment I have three that I know where they are (on top of my living room amp) and probably a hundred strewn about in junk drawers, boxes, under couches, behind bookcases, in the bottom of gig bags, etc.

Only several dozen and I primarily stick to a plastic thumbpick with metal National fingerpicks, or a couple of bison-horn flatpicks. For quiet practice there’s Grandpa’s felt mandolin pick. For noise, use big coins. Or whatever.

I caught two thrown by Dada.

When I first started playing guitar (ca. 1967) I’d have at most half a dozen, but usually 2 or 3. When I switched from steel to nylon strings and did more picking than strumming, I stopped using them. So I have none.

I haven’t played in years, and my hands are way out of shape. There were eight Fender Thins and one heart shaped Gibson Thin in my guitar case when I checked a few minutes ago. I can’t remember the last time I took my guitar out of the case. I tuned it up and ran through a few chords. I am on the edge of retirement, and thanks to this thread, I have just added to my post retirement plans

Thanks all!

Just one. It came in a kit of plastic tools for opening electronics (like cell phones). It’s handy for sliding under a clipped-on plastic lid without damaging it. I could use a bunch more, really, since sometimes it’s handy to prevent one side from snapping closed again while I’m prying open the other side.

I like that band! I only have one of their CDs but it got a lot of play.