How many people do you personally know (or know of) who are age 90 or older?

My great-grandmother died a few weeks short of her 100th birthday, though I confess I can’t remember her, as I was only a baby.

I was told this marvellous comment of hers from not long before the end; “Eeh, if I’d known as I was going to live this long, I’d’ve bought meself a new pair of clogs.”

One of my great-aunts I believe is just about 90, and her sister died recently age 91 (a year after arranging, on her own, a trip from Canada, where she emigrated years ago back to the UK, dragging a daughter over just for the bag carrying), but I haven’t seen either of them in years.

Lots of relatives lived into their 90s. Some are still alive.

Both of my grandmothers died at 91 in the last year and a half.

My father died at 95. My step mother is 95 now and is still alive best I can tell. My father-in-law is 100 next month, and his girlfriend is over 100. My neighbor’s father is well over 90. So, plenty. And I also remember when this was rare.

My buddy John’s father is about 95 now, and is still hanging in.

As for me, I had two grandmothers who made it to 91.

I hope I inherited their genes!

One. It is my understanding that 20% of people will survive to age 90 so it shouldn’t be that rare. But those are based on actuarial data for people born in 2011, not people born in the 1920s.

I personally only know one 90 year old. She is a volunteer at the same animal shelter I volunteer out. She’s been doing it forever.

I have a few family members in their mid-80s. I expect at least two of them to make it to 90+. My grandmother was 93 when she died a few years ago.

We are still waiting for my mother, age 85 to give hers up, she really needs to!

Way cool!

My cousin who is the same age as I minus 3 months seems to think this age is comparable to 96… man she swings the phrase "I’m 56 and I cant…(you add the verb here) I get so sick of hearing that! I told her women would roll in their graves to hear that! Women of any age are far more superior to men!

Dozens. Mom turned 100 in November, and her retirement home is full of 90+ people I run into every time I’m there. Turns out I teach their grandchildren and great grandchildren.

My aunt is over 90, and I’ve spoken to her on the phone, but never met her. She’s in Ireland. But I guess she still counts.

Hey, I don’t disagree with you. As I mentioned, I don’t have any relatives over 70, and they are the only people I really know. That’s why I mentioned their ages. Now all my living parents and aunts/uncles are in their 60s and doubt any of them make it to 90. I work alone, and if I’m awake I’m either taking care of my own younger people (children) directly or indirectly (work). It’s not by design or intent. I have nothing against older people. I’m not hanging out with young people too much, either.

My mother died at 97; her mother at 96. Hopefully, I got some of those long-life genes.

We have a friend who was just inducted as a 7th Degree Sr. Master last July. We celebrated her 90th birthday two days later.

One of my wife’s grandmothers just turned 95.

The other one will turn 90 this year

I posted earlier in this thread that I didn’t know anyone. Then Monday I found out that my good friend’s grandma just passed - and I knew of her - and she was 96.

So I guess I am posting to say that my previous post was wrong, I did know of someone who was 96. But now I’m correct in saying I don’t anymore…

A co worker of mine turned 91 a few weeks ago. I always assumed she was in her late 60’s or early 70’s. She’s quite active, still works out for an hour in the gym three nights a week, drives, and lives on her own.

My maternal grandfather is a vital 93 years old.