How many squirrels does it take to make a horse?

Yeah, you’ve got a point there. Thank goodness for Count Volta!

Squirrels in welding masks, arc torches blazing. Squirrels with rivet guns, hammering away. Dozens of squirrels swarming over an equine-shaped construction frame. Red-hot molten metal being poured.
70’s TV theme in the background.

Bum-Ba-bum Da Bum-Ba-Bum Da BRUMMM-pap-pa-pa-Pa-RUM…

“Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We can make the world’s first Bionic Horse. Trigger will be that horse. We can make him better than he was. Better, stronger, faster.”–Oscar Goldsquirrel.


squirrels are dirty

What, they read nasty magazienes, make rude remarks at parties?