How many trick-or-treaters did you get?

None since I’m in a hotel at the moment. Last year none in the new place. At the apartment before it was usually a couple dozen.
One year somebody invited Everybody they knew to take advantage of the prime apt complex ToTing and the crush of kids was awful. The manager strongly discouraged the tenant from doing that the next year.

We had a ton. I ran out last year, and bought a lot more candy, and ran out again. (No left over 3 Musketeers for me :frowning: ) And I only gave one per kid. But I ran out before most of the bigger kids showed up.
It was supposed to rain in the evening (and did) so maybe everyone went out early. I’m across the street from an elementary school, and so in familiar territory.

One thing I noticed - the poor state of the bags. Lots of kids didn’t seem to have any, and put the candy in their hat. Others used ratty grocery bags. When I went out I wouldn’t have been caught dead with such terrible collectors.

My dog came to the door for all the kids to get petted. She’s a Golden and a trained guide dog, so she can handle lots of activity. She also heard the word “Teat” a lot and thought something was in it for her.

We had less trick-or-treaters than usual this year. The rain was really heavy this year; some of the forecasts were for the wettest Halloween in 28 years (no, I don’t live on the east coast).

Who organizes these neighbourhood by neighbourhood schedules? We’ve always been able to assume it was on the 31st.


I live in a not so good area for trick-or-treating (bigger lots, fewer children, less people home).

We normally get around 100 but about half of those come riding around on a huge trailer pulled by a tractor. This year we got about half because when the tractor came around the driver yelled; “They have an Obama sign, we ain’t stopping there.”

I almost threw candy at them.

I asked my husband (he was doing the duty - I was still working at the coffee table) and he said over 100. I know there wasn’t THAT many - there were maybe five or six groups that came by, each with 10 or 12 kids, then a few stragglers.

I felt particularly bad for one boy - he was all by himself. I gave him five pieces (don’t tell my husband - he’d have a FIT!) He was walking the dog - so I got that doorbell.

It is hard for me to tell since I leave the candy out front with a sign for the children to help themselves when I go out. I walked the dog around in his lion costume for a while (Yes I am one of THOSE ) and my daughter took her little cousin around their neighborhood for a bit so I drove her over there. Then I took my daughter to meet up with some friends in another neighborhood. (That one had hundreds and hundreds of kids. I could not believe it. The entire neighborhood was one big party). When I got back I refilled the bowl (Which still had a few left) because I didn’t feel like answering the door. So either I had 50 or so kids or a couple of dozen greedy ones. Not sure.


Welcome to the South.

We get a little less every year. OP, we’re a couple blocks up from your house in Petworth. Maybe 20, or so.

This neighborhood is crazy. Last night: 4 ToTers, 8 pieces of candy. Our neighborhood was NOT a hot spot.

But a couple of years ago I had to run out and buy more candy, and our neighborhood was full of little weird-looking people. And princesses.

I think a lot of the neighborhood kids have aged out. But you can get a big jump if there’s a party in the neighborhood, because sometimes they go on candy raids during the party–or scavenger hunts which, if you don’t have their scavenger item, they will take candy.

None, just like most years. I live in a low-density neighborhood on a long, steep hill so it is not prime trick-or-treat territory. I even forgot it was Halloween until I was talking to my wife on the phone and she asked “Did you get any trick-or-treaters?”

Not one.

Apartment dweller. T or T is not feasable in my tiny building.

None. I just moved to a new apartment complex and I wasn’t sure if trick-or-treating was allowed (it wasn’t at my last one), so I had some candy on hand just in case. I guess the answer is no, it isn’t.

Is it because everyone is at a church parking lot for trick or trunk?

I really don’t know, but I’m guessing it becomes a quasi-PTO or classroom parent thing, since kids from the same neighborhoods would go to the same school (although every classroom certainly would include kids from numerous neighborhoods.)

All I know for sure is that I’ve never been consulted, and when my son was ToT age, there were few kids in our neighborhood, so for many years we had no neighborhood ToT.

I thought the South was supposed to be friendly. Too bad that you speak for an entire region of the country.

I live in an apartment complex of primarily one bedroom units (the only kids are a few on the weekends). I had two. :frowning: I really do love to have the little boogers.

I was at a neighbor’s, which was really lucky for my nervous dog. We had probably around 50 kids stop by. Damn it was cold!

Only about a dozen; My van makes them cautious and quick to flee.

Zero. I haven’t had trick or treaters for almost twenty years. The various apartment complexes I’ve lived in have an opt-in policy (post a jack o’lantern picture on the door), and since I work third shift, I don’t opt in. The last time I gave out treats was when I was 18; I was pretty popular that year, since I gave each kid multiple comic books (good ones, not Chick tracts) in addition to candy. I think I gave out a full long box that night.