How much do you pay for food compared to housing?

I’m currently going through a period of homelessness, at least until full-time employment comes along, so technically I’ve been spending infinitely more on food (roughly 120 USD/month) than on housing (0 USD/month).

Our family of 6 usually burns through about $600-700 USD worth of groceries every month. We eat out maaaybe once or twice per month as a family, so tack on another $100 to that. Our mortgage is around $900 a month. $1200 after you figure in home owners associations and property taxes and all that. So, we’ve got $800 food vs. $1200 housing. (I’m not sure which of those figures is more horrifying to me! No wonder we’re always broke!)

27% housing
12% food and grocery items

So I marked the 3rd option.