How much is your monthly cell phone bill?

About 65. iPhone on att, 400 minutes 200 texts unlimited data.

I have about 8 lines for me, the wife, the kids, on niece, and my mother (and a mifi). It adds up. in theory each additional line if $9 plus the data plan (about 35 each?) Anyway, it’s around $400 per month, give or take.

I was paying $35/mo for a dumbphone but then a bunch of people backed out of our family plan and now it’s $45/mo and it sucks.

Got to get back to $35/mo, need prepaid.

$109 on some legacy plan my wife managed to get. For that we have 3 lines (my wife and I, and her sister), 1500 anytime minutes, unlimited text messaging, and 2GB/month of internet. Pretty good deal :smiley:

Unlimited talk, text and 4G for $60.00 a month. Just one phone.

53 a month for my part of a family plan. Insurance, unlimited talk and text, I think about 12 gigs of shared monthly data.

$132/month for Sprint’s Unlimited Everything plan. One old Blackberry. I KNOW I’m paying too much, but every time I start to shop the other cell companies/plans my eyes cross, my throat closes up, and I have to go take a pill and lie down. This must be the most confusing shopping there is… more confusing than buying a car… or cereal.

$25/month, 300 minutes, unlimited data on virgin mobile (I am grandfathered in to the less expensive plan, but the did raise rates in the last year or so. Same plan now is $35/month)

In Thailand, it always comes to about 225 baht, which is less than US$10. I don’t use it that much though. I’m not even sure what sort of plan I’m on, but the amount differs ever so slightly each month, but always about that.

(I just have a regular dumbphone, not a smartphone.)

This is pretty much me. I use mine a lot for texting and emailing, but not a lot for the phone. I haven’t even come close to using all my minutes in a month.

$120/month, Verizon, two lines, unlimited calls and text (for both of us), 4 GB on husband’s smart phone. I’m using a not-smartphone with internet capability but I don’t want to pay for data, so I don’t.

$12 a month, PagePlus. That gets me 250 minutes of talk and 250 text messages, no data. I use WiFi for data on my Motorola Photon smartphone. I’d love a data plan but love paying $12 a month more.

Verizon. Three smartphones (me, my son, my daughter) unlimited talk and text, 4GB data. A little over $200 a month.

~$150/mo. Verizon
1 smart phone with unlimited talk, text and date
2 regular phones with unlimited talk and text

My iPhone is provided by my employer

$240/month. AT&T. Four lines, all iPhones. Shared minutes (which we never use up), unlimited texting, and separate data plans on each line (one grandfathered unlimited, the rest 3GB).

120 bucks for three Blackberries.
Unlimited data
More than enough minutes and text. We basically text two or three times a month, almopst everything is done by BBM, Line, or WhatsApp.
We also almost never talk.

$45 - Straight Talk (AT&T) with a Nexus 4. Unlimited T/T/D but in truth the data gets throttled down after… 2Gb?

$55/month. T-Mobile. 500 minutes ($35) + unlimited texts ($5) + 200 MB data ($5) + $10 taxes and fees.

I use maybe 10 minutes and 20 MB of data a month. I mostly text. It’s just easier.

I’m at 1.4 GB for the month and I’ve noticed a slowdown. Text-only sites like the SD load OK, but images and YouTube videos take noticeably longer to load. Everything speeds up again when I renew for another month and everything resets.

$160 for two iPhones on a family share plan. Unlimited talk/text, 6GB data, and tethering with AT&T.