How much of a raise would you give/share with your SO?

I’m over the chickens and the stone-butt stuff; I’m just hoping we’re privy to the, “My wife left me and I can’t figure out why” conversation.

I am another one who doesn’t worry about the income (it just all goes in the pot) but manages my expenses.

Sorry for the late reply. Thanks to those who tried to help me. FO (rather than FU, which means 'fuck you," but instead I mean “fuck off”) to those who misunderstood my original posts and assume I’m some sort of wife beater/serial killer/pornographer/something else that shows their ignorance.

Is there any other kind? She is not a housewife, which is the only other option after your choices.


The backstory is that I have psychological issues that I am working with a professional to address. Her story is that she has psychological issues that she refuses to have a professional address. Long story short: I have done bad things, she has done bad things, but we’ve talked about them and worked through them.


Therefore, if you got a raise, you would share 20%? Ty.

Ah, this is the case I was looking for. Thank you for responding.

Reported. Thanks for trying though.

Interesting idea, ty. :slight_smile:

Thank you, that is the kind of honesty I was looking for when I started this thread. :slight_smile:

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Thanks. :slight_smile:

No. If you share it equally, you each get 50%.

Want to call my next Powerball numbers? :smiley:


Nah, j/k. I like you.

I don’t get the chicken references at all. Color me ignorant.

I, too, can only make sense of the OPer’s question if I think of it as a bonus instead of a raise. Because a raise isn’t usually a huge lump sum of money, but rather a modest increase in each paycheck. I can definitely see myself thinking that I’ll just go ahead and get that iPad I’ve always wanted were I to get a $2,000 bonus. I wouldn’t do the same thing were I to get a $2000 RAISE because that’d be akin to extracting out $48.15 of each paycheck to put towards an iPad.

IMO, all regular pay should go towards common expenses. That includes raises, even if it means increasing the amount you put in savings or the vacation fund.

Bonuses are a tad different. My husband gets them often. Large ones, we usually discuss how they’re spent. Smaller ones are usually directed towards house expenses (e.g. a new roof - woo hoo!) or college for the kids. He’ll occasionally get himself something completely frivolous (e.g. a nicer car than he’d have gotten otherwise or a flat screen) but those frivolities are few and far between.

Inheritances, on the other hand, we don’t discuss. I consider them to be 100% controlled by the recipient. My husband got a fairly substantial inheritance when we were first married. I considered that money to be his then and still consider it his now. Yes, I’ve benefitted indirectly from it over the years, but I’d have been perfectly fine had he gone out and spent every cent on something completely frivolous and just for him – like a ranch in Wyoming.

The chicken references are to this thread. One of those that doesn’t go at all the way the OP expected. This one gives context.

If I received a bonus/raise or my husband received one all the money would go into a common pot. Wanting a little splurge would have nothing to do with who actually earned the money. It’s both ours. If it was a small splurge (couple hundred dollars) we’d just do it. Large splurges we don’t do much anyway, but we would discuss it together. Who actually earned the money doesn’t change how we handle the bills/savings/luxuries one iota.

Thank you. I’m a bit amazed that Superhal has been married for 12 years. It seemed like such a newlywed OP to me. Mr. Pundit and I held separate checking accounts for about a year or so after we were married. But gradually we mingled our money together. Now it would seem odd to have separate accounts.

So you think of your wife as a paid employee? Suddenly things start to make a whole lot more sense.

You reported me for that? Seriously? For THAT? Awesome!
Maybe we can now get a moderator in here to ask you about those chickens. Seriously…did you just ask your wife? Sorry. Paid employee?

I read his response to mean that his wife is an employee (of a company, not Superhal) and gets paid. I could be wrong.

50%. We pool our incomes, pay our joint bills, and split the remainder in half. We agreed to do that no matter who made more, or even if one of us is not working.

I don’t think there’s a universal correct answer for this. What works for one couple will not work for all couples. But the key is that it’s working for both of you.

Whew, that’s a relief. :slight_smile:

My husband and I keep separate accounts, so the technical (and short) answer is 0%.

However, if I get a raise, I make sure he knows about it, and how much money I’m making now, and if he gets a raise, he does the same. We do our taxes together, so it’s not like the extra money can be hidden, unless he’s (or I’m) hiding it from the IRS also, which we’re not talented enough to do.

As far as what the raise goes towards … Mine usually goes straight into our “invisible savings account,” and his usually go towards auto-paying another one of our regular monthly debts or payments.

That’s seemed to work well so far.

I don’t get holiday bonus pay, but he sometimes does, and sometimes gets a bonus for a spate of really frenzied work. Those MOST OFTEN go into the kitty for something fun that we’re saving up for - like a planned future vacation or a rowing machine, to use past examples. If there are pressing debts or payments that have to be made, then we kiss it sadly goodbye and pay off what needs to be taken care of.

I don’t think I would MIND if he spent his bonus on something that more directly benefited only him, but I doubt he would think to do so, as most of the things he enjoys are things that I enjoy also. He’d have to really work at it to buy/do something with it that was just for him.
I have to say, the idea of a “salary” or a “stipend” as a set percentage taken from the breadwinner’s paycheck seems a little archaic (and kindof insulting) to me. If husband and I went to a single-income family, then I would expect that household stuff and our individual personal stuff would get taken care of as we had the money to do it (just like we do now, without equations or percentages to monitor) regardless of who is actually earning the money at work.

HOWEVER, if the OP’s SO has money hangups, then maybe that’s the way that needs to work to keep a rein on spending. Who knows. All I can say is that given my personal married experience, if my husband tried to assign me a percentage stipend of his income, he’d get a frying pan to the head pronto. :cool:

No, the way it works is: If I get a raise, 80% goes into our joint account. 10% goes into my account, 10% goes into her account. We each essentially get 50%, considering that each of us owns half of the joint account, so to speak.

Hmm. I suppose you are also amazed by many things. Did you also know that the sun rises in the east 99.99% of the time?

Wow, really?

Thanks for the honest response. :smiley:

Hmm. No. Maybe there’s a misunderstanding? I meant how much would you spend and/or give to your spouse. In this case:
If X% is equally shared, it’s 50% regardless of the amount shared.