How often do the police NOT catch somebody?


You did join, after all!
and after you said you couldn’t… heheheh

Welcome aboard as a member, and stuff.

I was on a softball team of all cops and me. A detective in Detroit told me gets 15 crimes every morning to deal with. He cant run around and get the pile down so he makes phone calls to ferret out the easily solvable. Then does what he can. Tomorrow 15 more. day after 15 more. etc etc etc

(Sorry for delayed reply)

They buttered me into it.

Slight hijack, maybe.

I just wanted to say that with the exception of the part of your quoted statement above that says “propaganda from the government” I agree with you 100%. I just feel it is propaganda by the show’s producers.

This one show I watch sometimes, I think it is “Cops,” always has this smarmy, arrogant, self-righteous ex-deputy/ex-police chief/ex-something-cop always saying after another successful bust, words like “If you do the crime, be prepared to do the time…because you are GOING TO GET CAUGHT.”

He’s an ex-cop? He absolutely knows better than that.

Lordy mercy, what sheer bullshit. It makes me want to tear his lips off.