How often do you give your kids a bath?

This thread is making me feel so much better. I’ve been having mom-guilt hearing others talk about nightly baths.
When we had a functional bathtub at the last house, baths were every other day to every few days. Since we moved into the “new” house 1.5yrs ago, baths are about twice a week and/or as needed. The only tub is temporarily rigged in the unheated basement, rendering it useless in the winter. Showering the kids (aged 3 and 5) upstairs is a pain in the neck. They frequently shower with me on weekend mornings because it’s the best way to get their hair washed without flooding the bathroom by leaving the shower door open.

Do you know what it’s like to try to shave your legs in a 36" shower stall with three people?

I can’t wait until the new bathroom is built and the tub is moved upstairs.

Our kids (2 and 6) bathe most days in the winter and everyday in the summer. I want to establish good daily hygiene practices before they become recalcitrant, stinky teenagers.

My formerly shower- resistant youngest son now showers at least once, and sometimes twice per day. He’s 17, he’s kissed a girl and he liked it.