How often do you sealcoat your driveway?

I don’t know about Kalhoun’s, but if I don’t go sit with a cold drink and talk to mine every so often, it seems a bit morose.

It could be worse. It could be the road to the gravel pit. There’s such a road near my friend’s place, and it often seems quite down in the dumps.

I see what you mean, but governments don’t work that way. There are ways of paving that would make more durable roads (such as fabric mesh laminates and aggregates made from recycled tires,) but they’re more expensive. When you’re a governmental body, it’s awfully hard to sell the idea of doing something the expensive way.

If you do get into crack-patching, you’re likely to make grammar fanatics grumpy. You’ll lay down hot tar on the crack, and one member of your crew will even it out with a hoe. Yes, he’ll have a hard road to hoe.:smack:

Well, after mulling over all the input, we got an awesome price and decided to do it. I feel short-changed though. It wasn’t quite hot enough for Sealcoat Dude and his sidekick to take off their shirts. I should probably demand a percentage of my money back. Hubba-hubba, you big, tall, sweaty hunk o’ man, you…

And if a man would have posted a similarly-worded jest regarding female workers all hell would have broken loose. I’m not offended! But we live in a very lopsided society when it comes to certain connotations. Personally, I love the Hooters’ chicks.

I don’t begrudge anyone who sees someone from afar and sexualizes them. It’s the in-your-face personal encounters that piss me off. The only problem I have with the Hooters thing is that they’re forced to dress like that (whether it looks good or not) in order to work there. I wouldn’t dream of asking my sealcoat dudes to take their shirts off. I just dream of what it would look like if they did!

FWIW, my driveway is developing some cracks, but I think it’s because of Maple tree roots.

I never have, (7 year old driveway) and I’m kind of glad, because I’ve read that that stuff is full of nasty coal leftovers. Mine is blacktop, I guess, and it dosen’t bother me
that it isn’t shiny, or waterproof, or whatever.
I answered this question before reading the thread, so I’ll do that now. God, I hope I haven’t duplicated a previous response!

Concur, sealcoating is about 95% scam and 5% for appearance.

Pressure wash an asphalt driveway about once a year, and be sure to seal any cracks with one of the soft/rubbery sealants before the damage goes deeper. Nothing else required as long as the natural charcoal color of aged asphalt doesn’t offend you.

I never seal coat my driveway because it’s gravel. I used to have a driveway that I seal coated twice in about 10 years. Both times mainly for appearance. From what I’ve seen and heard, the high quality rubbery sealants are pretty good for slowing down the deterioration caused by water infiltration. Since the good stuff is more expensive than the heavy oil often used I wonder if it’s really worth the cost other than for appearance sake. Personally I prefer gravel. A $250 load every 2-3 years maintains a good surface that I only have to shovel when there’s deep snow.

Seals need coats? Who knew?