how were slaves "bred"?

Well, sometimes a white owner just bought females slaves and “bred” them himself… Since the result would them be a mulatto, quadroon, or octroon, if the the result was female the owner would wind up with an extremely valuable slave that could be sold into prostitution (in other words - yes, the owner would sell his own daughters for a profit. Of course, he didn’t regard them as his daughters. Legally, he could have sex with those girls and sell his granddaughters, too)

Ya gotta understand – the American system of slavery evolved rapidly into a situation where the slaves were viewed as livestock. Even to the point of breeding records for the slaves being kept in the same sort of studbooks used for horses and cattle.

Does a farmer “marry” cow and bull, mare and stallion? There was no recognition of marriage between slaves by any level of government or society. Yes, slaves “jumped the broom” and married in that sense, but at any time such joinings could be ripped apart by having spouses sold off, and the white males had total and unrestricted access to the black women, whether they or their men protested or not.

Yes, I’m sure the two healthy people locked in a room sceanario took place many times. Given that the alternative might have been forcible rape by the owner, maybe some folks even preferred that, if “preferred” could be used between two bad choices. But, remember - there was no social penalty for sex between slaves when ordered by the master. Indeed, since a woman’s fertility would make her more valuable, she might even see some advantage in it. Just more of the horrible psychological cost of slavery.

Irrelvant. She had no say in these matters. Remember, legally she wasn’t considered a human being - her status is that of a cow or mare used for breeding.

Happened all the time.

What do you do with a stud animal that is no longer able to perform studly duties? If the man was still capable of labor he might be kept for that, but his value – and possibly how well he was treated – might be considerably less. The owner could do anything he wanted to a slave that didn’t do as asked - including execution.

Absolutely irrelevant. Remember, these people had the legal status of livestock. Who cares if Bessie the Cow prefers Tom the Bull over Jake the Bull? The personal feelings of the slaves was of no consequence to those who bred other human beings for profit.

Granted, not all plantations or owners were worst-case sceanario. Many slave owners found sex with their own slaves repugnant or immoral. Certainly many understood that if they DID father children on the women slaves those children were their children (in some cases, these children were freed and sent north). Some made keeping the family unit intact a reward for good behavior. Which in no way excuses the practice, just pointing out there was a wide variation in how slaves were actually treated. But legally, all the horrors listed above were possible, and did happen to many people.