Hunter Biden artwork attracts ethics scrutiny

Why do you think that what is being done is not what that army of attorneys and advisors told him should be done?

I don’t get it. Why are you presuming Hunter would do exactly what his dad tells him?

To say “potential conflict of interest” is redundant. The rules around conflict of interest mostly deal with eliminating the potential. When it goes from potential to reality, then that’s just graft or bribery. You’d be well-served to read up on it before extending this tangent further.

So infanticide, I presume. Seems excessive to me, but YMMV. :wink:

What conflict of interest exists that needs to be eliminated? Do you think it is possible to remove all potential conflicts of interest?

An excellent non-sequitur that has nothing to do with the discussion. Good job!

The appearance of a situation where someone who is obviously not an established artist, whose name is Biden and has never made a living under his own steam, may have received money in a sham transaction as a favor to his father, who has spent most of his life arranging similar deals for said failson.

Obviously there’s going to be a perpetual stink around Hunter no matter what he does, because he’s spent most of his life in jobs he wasn’t qualified for, sitting on boards of companies that were donors or allies of Joe. That stink is never going to come off. But at least… at least… a Yale-trained lawyer could attempt to do something that looks like work. Not “I became an artist yesterday and pulled in a half mil today and it’s definitely not because I’m a Biden.”

The blind trust is a decent attempt, more than the Trumps ever did, but my god, what a low fucking bar we’ve sunk to.

I assume the stakes and repercussions are slightly higher when you’re dad’s the president. It could be that Hunter is just a selfish prick who doesn’t care and is inconsiderate of his dad’s wishes. But I doubt that’s the kind of relationship the Biden family has.

There aren’t enough rolleyes in the world for this kind of glib and dishonest crap.

I’m mystified by the raging contempt for Hunter Biden that you display and doubt the characterizations you offer.

More raging contempt here:

What the fuck? It’s like listening to people whine about Hillary Clinton all over again.

I’m sure his artwork is bad but I doubt it merits ethics scrutiny. Maybe Hunter should be encased in Carbonite for the balance of daddy’s term of office.

No one got my joke? His age had been stated so often in this thread, I thought it would be obvious. Emojis are important. He’s a private citizen, right?

I’ve already demonstrated the flaw here. All artists are not established, until they are. He’s been dabbling with art since he was a kid and got pretty serious about it years ago as a form of therapy.

No one in this thread has claimed that his name is a non-issue. It definitely helps get attention to his art, which can then be judged on its merits by those whose opinions drive the pricing of the pieces. I believe that it will be both a help and a hindrance as there will also be people who won’t touch his art because of his name. If he’s any good, he’ll be a primary player much faster. If he’s not, he’ll be a non-entity in the art world in a few years. I’m also of the opinion that Hunter takes advantage of his name at many times. I don’t put that on Joe.

Do we have any evidence that this has happened?

He has?

Again, the point is that the potential exists. Good public ethics demands that the conflict be mitigated or removed entirely, not to say “yeah, we could be doing bad stuff, but trust us, we’re not.”

This is nonsense. Not because it’s wrong, but because it is impossible to eliminate all potential conflicts of interest without eliminating one’s interest in everything. Hunter Biden represents a potential conflict of interest, so does Jill, so does literally everything that Joe Biden has an interest in.

You’re going down the rabbit hole of ‘potential’ because… and let’s be clear here… Joe Biden may be have his policy influenced by a person because that person bought a picture his son painted. Are you fucking kidding me?

I’m not kidding anyone. You’re fortunate if you’ve never had to sit through training on this type of issue, but it’s the type of situation that comes almost verbatim in the after-quiz for this type of training. The answer is always “C, do not take the money/gift if a potential conflict exists.”

It’s a pretty fucking low bar, and painfully obvious. I used to wonder who was stupid enough to need such classes, but this thread has convinced me of their importance. I think the Trump years have fucked up everyone’s sense of what is normal in this area.

There is potential that Joe Biden was a player in the Comet Ping Pong child sex ring. In fact, here is a picture of Joe Biden eating pizza. He should probably stop with the pizza consumption because the optics just aren’t very good.

Dumb and pathetic.

And Joe Biden won’t be taking any money. Nor, one assumes, providing any access or allowing any influence (from the anonymous buyers).

What’s the problem here?

His son will be taking in a half million for a hobby in which he isn’t trained, and has no previous record of sales. What his son does have experience in is getting jobs at firms that helped out his father in other ways.

I don’t know that this was in fact a favor to Biden. It can’t be proven, though I doubt it’s true. But the situation is an apparent gross conflict of interest and shouldn’t occur. Hunter should have no problem getting actual work in whatever it is that Yale-trained lawyer failsons do.