I didn't know I was pregnant!

Hey ! I’m not upset with you. Sorry if I came across that way. I just couldn’t believe that someone would honestly prefer to not know, and was curious. Thanks for explaining further. And it’s good to see someone else without vices that is damaging to their health (unless you’re counting the occasional diet blow-out). :smiley:

I won’t be having a baby either, and know very little about “baby stuff” so that list of things was stuff I imagined would have to be done when preparing for a baby. To be honest, I think the most important preparation would be mental… the other stuff you can get by without, though as usual YMMV.

Other reasons to know,

For most women, the trip to the OB is weigh, pee, measure - everything looks good, go home.

But just in case you get toxemia, or gestational diabetes, its nice to have the OB follow your progress. And perfectly healthy people have problem pregnancies all the time.

And, if you go into premature labor and don’t know you are pregnant, you might not get to the hospital in time to stop it.

Besides, you really want to MISS anticipating labor for nine months?!

(Took me almost three months to figure it out. I’d been through three years of infertility and was expecting my son to arrive home from Korea - so being pregnant never really occurred to me. However, by six or seven months along, I would have had to have been in serious denial).

That reminds me of a story I heard a long time ago about a pre-med student who didn’t know she was pregnant until she gave birth in the hospital elevator! :eek: (sorry, no cite as I can’t remember where I heard this from; it’s been quite some time)

Whew! Although I know a woman (family friend) who didn’t find out about her pregancy until it had advanced (six months? seven? can’t remember), this is all too much for me.

While it would be awful if something bad DID happen to Mr. Goo ;), I think that this would be my #1 nightmare.

Coincidentally, I just went to the GYN this morning and got back on the Pill. Mind you, Immaculate Conception is the ONLY way I could be knocked up at the moment, but you never know when a tall burly tattooed fella is going to come along and fling me up on the hood of my truck… :eek: