I hate Adrian Brophy

Jersey Girl
Reindeer Games
Pearl Harbor

I could go on.

I’m not sure what you think that list proves. That he’s been in some bad movies? Name an actor who hasn’t. To the extent the movies you’ve listed were deficient, Affleck’s performance wasn’t the problem.

And by the way, I’ve seen all those films Jersey Girl and Gigli, and I still don’t get your problem. I thought Affleck did good work in all of the ones I’ve seen. And a particularly nice job in Bounce.

Here’s where you admit that you are just hating on Affleck to try to fit in with the cool kids on the internet. :wink:

John Cazale

I don’t hate Affleck. I’m indifferent to him and his performances. I haven’t even seen 2/3 of the movies I listed. My point was that he’s made a number of bombs and, since he’s the bankable star in most of them, he gets the reputation as the guy who makes all those shitty movies. He also IMHO suffers from the fact that Matt Damon, with whom he literally arrived on the scene, has had two successful franchises and a number of other commercial and critical successes.

Bombs? Pearl Harbor, Daredevil, and Bounce all turned good profits.

As for the others, you could come up with a list of box office bombs for almost any Hollywood star.

Matt Damon’s bombs include:

The Legend of Bagger Vance
All the Pretty Horses
The Brothers Grimm

I haven’t seen this Hollywoodland and I haven’t gotten around to seeing the Pianist yet. What I do know is that I would DESTROY Adrien Brody in the bedroom. Oh man. Wake the neighbors, scratch marks down his back, debauchery. but thats just me

Adrien Brody was great in Summer Of Sam.

So, you hate him, too. Good. :smiley:

Nah. I was just expressing my outrage at Adriencraptic Brodymoviebomber mucking up a good movie. The thread woulda been in the pit if it hadn’t been showbiz-related.

I thought Brody was good in “The Pianist,” although I didn’t think much of the movie. His role in “The Village” was not terribly demanding, and he didn’t do squat with it that I could tell. Not that there could be much to do in that suckfest. And that’s all I’ve seen him in.

And I like Ben Affleck. I especially enjoyed the hell out of him and Damon in “Dogma.”

I think that just highlights the reason for Afflec hate: he makes bad movies that lots of people see. Sure, Daredevil turned a profit, but do you know anyone who actually liked it? I sure don’t. Everyone I know who saw it (myself included) said it sucked. He’s in movies that lots of people see, and that no one likes, so you get the result of a lot of people saying that Afflec sucks, because he’s the public face of those movies. When he turns in a good performance, it tends to be in smaller, non-mainstream movies like Hollywoodland, or supporting roles like Shakespeare in Love, so he doesn’t get as much cachet from his succesful performances as he deserves.

Well, yeah, I liked Daredevil, and I’m not alone. 39% of voters at IMDB rated it a 7 or higher.

And actually, I think Daredevil-hating is a symptom of the larger internet-driven Affleck-hating phenomenon. Which seems to me a pretty straightforward example of the bandwagon effect.

Yours truly,

Matt Damon :smiley:

(No, no, that’s not true, of course. I’m just some anonymous internet schmuck who happens to think Affleck’s a pretty good actor.)

I like Afflec, too, but Daredevil was fuckin’ awful, man. Pointing out that people on the IMDB liked it only proves I’m right.

You said it! This thread makes me want to scream. I’m really starting to hate this Adrian Brophy guy, too.

Adrien Brody was in “The Village”?

He played the village idiot. Insert your own punchline.

No. It was Adrian Brophy.

You can have him when I’m through with him. Unless I keep him for myself. He’s one of the hottest guys in the business, even though I agree he can’t act.

My guess is that this thread was started due to Hollywoodland recently showing on HBO - and I too just saw it for the first time there.

Brody was truly horrible in the film - badly miscast.

The rest of the film wasn’t bad, but Brody dragged down every scene he was in.

And hey, I love Streisand and have nothing against people with large noses, but in one scene, with Brody lying flat in bed shirtless, I thought I was looking at the Matterhorn.

Now, if every appendage is so large, I can see the sexual appeal…but as far as acting, this film was not a high point in his career.

My fiancee met Brody at Cannes and she says he was “kind, funny, and humble.” She’s also firmly in the “thinks he’s gorgeous” camp.

Personally, I’m a huge fan of his acting. I loved him in The Pianist, and thought he was really funny in Summer of Sam. He was great in Six Ways to Sunday as well (though I’m not a big fan of the movie itself). I also thought he was fine in Hollywoodland, though I didn’t think his part was written well. Bad writing can do horrible things to the best of actors.