I hate my PCP

She has a new PCP and an oncologist, the new PCP at least has given her vicodin to take when the growth is interrupting sleep.

she has to decide if she should go with the chemo/radiation or surgery, surgery has the downside of living with a colostomy bag.

And I am thousands of miles away.:frowning:

God, I’ve always hated assholes who think they’re so important that normal rules don’t apply to them and they get to jump to the head of any line.

“I’m a doctor. I don’t wait!”
Yeah, fuck you. Now you do.

Hehe! It helped that my vet isn’t exactly known for kissing asses. She doesn’t care if you’re a medical specialist or a drug dealer. But she’d probably have let him in if he had a dobie. She has a soft spot for them.

Probably a surgeon … but still an old joke:

Guy dies and goes to heaven. Waiting in line for angel’s food cake and some guy dressed in scrubs cuts in front of the line.

“Hey what’s up with him?”

“Oh don’t worry. That’s just God; he likes to play doctor sometimes.”