I just left my service dog behind as I began to leave a flea market

Well, he apparently doesn’t wish to return to this thread and defend or explain his behavior. I believe we have been abandoned.

Yeah really. We’re really, really sorry we were so rough on you for treating your service dog so shitty, Leo. It’s not like animal neglect is a crime or something. :dubious:

Don’t some people have service dogs for anxiety and shit? His dog is a Boston terrier or something and I don’t think they would make very good guide dogs in general but I could be wrong.

It’s like all those times you forget your wheelchair.

He left his dog at the **flea **market. Was he itchy when the OP got home? :smiley:

I wouldn’t over think leaving anything behind. I’ve set my dinner on top of the car to unlock my door. Drove off with it up there. I’ve drove off leaving a sack of groceries on the ground. I’ve heard of people leaving a kid behind at the gas station. Stuff like that just happens. People get forgetful when they are concentrating on something else.

A comfort or anti-anxiety animal is not a service animal under the ADA. A service animal, by definition, is trained to do specific tasks. They could be tasks like guiding, holding/pulling, signalling phone calls or doorbells or alerting impending seizures. All kinds of tasks. The ADA specifically disavows the idea that a comfort animal which is not trained to any specific task is a service animal.

Ha!! It is! I feel fucking dumb when that happens. I just try to act like nothing happened tho. I play it cool. :cool:

:smack: He left his fucking dog behind. Not a bag of oranges. For fucks sake.

I really wish the OP would come back and inform us as to why he requires a service dog. One that he requires yet is able to forget.

Some of them just for the latter.

He probably forgot all about this thread.

:frowning: whimper

I C wut U did dere.

And a service dog at that.

I’ve done that except with my kids. It’s ok little kids are bouncy.