I just ruined two songs for my wife

Didn’t the first Bush’s campaign. . . or was it Reagan’s 2nd term. . . use “Born in the USA” as a theme song? Talk about not understanding what a song is about.

My SO always makes fun of me cause I never know the words to songs. In my case it’s because I can’t understand what they’re saying. A little enunciation would be appreciated.

Were you listening to Alternative '80’s on Pandora, by any chance? :slight_smile:

Nope, 1st Wave on Sirius.

I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of said,
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had.

Mad World, by Tears for Fears. The whole thing is depressing, but sung with an upbeat tune.

People liked to do this a lot with Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel”, too, especially after it was popularized by that Nick Cage movie… too bad the song is about heroin addiction.

Not to disparage your wife, ** Gangster O **, but it’s weird to me that she didn’t pick up on Morrissey’s morose delivery, not to mention the line “I am human and I need to be loved”. Anyway, as has been established, some people don’t pay attention to the lyrics, which is alien to me. I think she should stay away from any future Smiths recordings unless you prepare her beforehand.

I had this revelation when trying to sing karaoke. I was familiar with the Run DMC version, in a “I’ve heard that song” kinda way, but really didn’t know the lyrics nearly as well as I thought. Couple that with the speed of delivery of the lines, and the shock factor of "Wait, that line says what?", and I totally flubbed that round.

My wife love The Smiths, she just doesn’t seem to connect the words as a narrative in songs. She sings merrily along with Bigmouth Strikes Again nit really understanding what it is about. I don’t think I will explain it to her.

I’m like that. I hate finding out what songs are about.

Girlfriend In A Coma is about eating too much at Thanksgiving and taking a nap, right?”

For the longest time, I had been under the impression that “How Soon Is Now?” started off with the lines “I am the sun and the air.” Made enough sense to me … Morrissey seems like precisely the kind of self-important boob who would liken himself to the essentials of life. I never really gave the lyrics that much attention. When I’m listening to the song, I’m pretty much there for that awesome guitar and the whole epic sprawl of it. With some songs I’m hanging onto every word and searching about for all manner of meanings and hidden meanings, but in this case, my brain just decided to say, “Eh, Morrissey’s moping about SOMETHING. Go with it.”

Not so much. It’s more a song about aging and being somewhat afraid of changes, but willing to take the chance anyway.

While he does say “The Son and heir” as you know, I do think it is meant to be ambiguous. The following line, “Of nothing in particular” indicates in both senses that he is not needed by anybody or anything.

I knew “Pumped Up Kicks” wasn’t about anything good, but I didn’t realize exactly how bad it was until I deciphered a few lines here and there. I guess I thought it was just basic gang violence stuff before.

The Toadies’ Possum Kingdom is a classic example of this, but several of their other songs, such as Tyler or Jigsaw Girl also have fairly catchy music coupled with some really dark lyrics.

I came in to post this. I am forbidden to even mention this to my wife or her friends anymore. They all want to pretend it isn’t true…

Make up your mind.

When I was a kid, I had a crush on that girl who sang “Hot Child in The City” I had never actually seen the girl. I was just in love with her voice.

It wasn’t until 20 plus years later that my friend informed me: “That ain’t’ no girl! That’s Nick Gilder! BWAHAHAHA!!”

My friend completely destroyed a childhood icon of mine. And along with it, any nostalgia I may have felt if I hear the song today.

Dang it! Bliss indeed.