I just saw "Over the Hedge"!

We saw it at the drive-in. Good drive-in movie. And there you get two movies for $5! Unfortunately, the other movie was so ghastly I’ve forgotten the name.

I saw the movie for a second time last night, and I rarely watch movies twice in the theater. The powerdrink sequence almost made me pass out from laughter.

When they had him drink it, I wondered to myself just how far they were going to take it. When I saw the Earth stop spinning, in addition to the music grinding to a halt, I knew they were going THAT far. I loved it.

“…but I like the cookie…”

Saw it tonight with my brother; we were the only people in the theater. I was surprised how much I liked it – I think I’d give it a respectable 7/10. The plot wasn’t much, and the characters felt rather calculated, but many of the jokes were funny, and some were actually pretty clever. We chuckled out loud a couple times, but I think if the theater was full with a good audience in the right mood we would have been laughing out loud. (It’s amazing how much watching a movie with a bunch of other people can change your movie-going experience.)

Gary Shandling I could take or leave, but I thought Bruce Willis actually did very well.

There was no short before the movie when I saw it. There were, however, trailers for I think three other new CGI movies coming out. None of them looked very good, in particular the Haunted House one which Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg apparently co-produced.