I love my CPAP!

Oh, the 14 for me is the air pressure. I stopped breathing a total of 462 times in 6 hours during the sleep study.

Wow! That’s impressive… in a twisted, demented sort of way! :stuck_out_tongue:

My friend John did a split sleep study… 1/2 night hooked up with the wires and 1/2 with wires and the machine. They woke him up after about an hour and put him on the machine. They said he was NOT going to stop breathing and die in their lab! He thought this was great fun! :rolleyes:

FYI, your “sleep number” is:

(From some CPAP website…)

When I was suffering with the side-effects of sleep apnea I was FALLING ASLEEP & DREAMING while driving on the expressway. You may want to keep flying but I do believe that falling into a deep dose while doing so is not a desirable thing either, as it could lead to permenantly grounding youself, the plane you are piloting, and others with or beneath you.
You may not have to spend much $$ out of pocket to get diagnosed and then set up with a CPAP and be a much healthier person. OSA does not usually improve on its own because it makes it difficult to exercise to lose weight. And your sleep hormones are out of kilter. Nasal/sinus surgery can improve things. But may just the 1st step in a progression to get better. Did that guy have Obstructive Sleeep Apnea and get it treated if you know?

That is what happened to me too during my sleep study!
And after a week with the nasal mask I had to switch to the nasal pillows. But I am doing much better now.

I’m so glad that you are loving your CPAP machine. I love my husband’s, too.

It’s interesting how similar many of these stories are. My husband, like others, refused to be checked out until he fell asleep driving – with me in the car, and on notoriously dangerous local road – and woke up just in time to avoid disaster. I’m grateful he did wake up.

Anyway, he got a 1/2 and 1/2 sleep study as well. The first half of the night, they recorded about 90 apnea events an hour for him. The second half of the night, they put him on a CPAP and he was mad when they woke him up - he hadn’t slept so well in years. Our insurance paid for the sleep study and equipment, and pays for two replacement masks per month for his machine (he has the larger mask) - this is way more than needed.

I have heard that bed partners sometimes complain about the noise of the CPAP, which I find incredible. The CPAP makes a sort of breathy humming sound – it’s white noise. Contrasted with being kicked (his body fighting for oxygen) and assaulted by jackhammer noises all night, it’s pure freaking heaven.

And whoever made the Pavlovian comment - you’re so right. Bedtime now consists of lying together and talking until we decide it’s time. He puts on his mask, and he’s gone, baby, gone. Seriously, maybe three seconds it takes him to fall asleep.

I’ll have to get some input from my wife as to how long it takes me to fall asleep now. During the first study it felt like it was at least an hour or more before I fell asleep. The tech said it was about 20 minutes. My friend John is OUT in about five seconds. I certainly hope I improve; when I was younger I feel asleep immediately and slept sound all night and jumped up ready to go. The good old days, I know!