I never knew Pinocchio was so sexy.

At first I thought this was another example of someone with too much free time + Photoshop. But no, it’s too much free time + Photoshop + weird obsession.

Apparently, you’ve never heard the “Tell a lie! Tell the truth! Tell a lie!” joke. :slight_smile:

Or Pinnochio’s old come on line: “Sit on my face and I’ll tell you lies.”

Agh. The splinters!

Pinochio was having trouble with his girlfriend, since she was always complaining about getting splinters. He goes to Gephetto for advice who tells him, “Sandpaper, my boy. That’s all you need.”

A week later, Gephetto asks him him how things are going with the girls to which Pinochio replies, “Who needs girls?”

Ba dum bum!

:: shakes fish at Draelin ::

Damn you for beating me to that post!



I don’t know … I think the fish would scare me more.

And it also made me laugh loudly enough at my desk that people across the room asked what was so damn funny.

Sigh…it seems I’m getting good at amusing typos.

Posts #9 & 10

A man after my own heart!

My brother (uh-hmm) used to have a VCR copy of the porn version of Pinocchio. If I recall correctly, every time a lie was told, something other than the actor’s and actresses noses grew. Trust me, none of the cast were as attractive as HBQ’s Asian Pinocchia II models.

Normally I like to take opportunities like this to make some snarky, worldweary comment that shows I remain more amused than bemused at the things people find attractive.

But, dude. That’s weird.


I really, really like the slogan that goes with that page:

Pinocchia.com - If you don’t understand it, you never will

Beautiful. :smiley:

Eww…it’s girls…