I Passed the NY Bar Exam!!!

Congrats! No matter how confident you are, you just can’t rest until you see your name on that list, can you? May you never need to know the elements of common-law burglary again!

Oh yes, there is definitely a formal swearing in. However, by passing the Bar I have only begun the admission process. I still have to do a whole bunch of things to be admitted:
A complete application consists of the application questionnaire, all required accompanying forms and supporting documentation, including two Affidavits of Good Moral Character, and Legal Employment Affidavits from every law-related position you have held, including paid or unpaid internships, summer associate positions, volunteer work in law school clinics or elsewhere.

Most candidates are admitted in January or February, assuming there is nothing for them to discuss with the Character & Fitness Committee.


This is why I have mad respect for NY takers. IN doesn’t test MBE topics (except for Sales, which occasionally shows up in the Commercial Law essay). So while we had to learn a bunch of bad law for the MBE, it didn’t have to compete for space with good law.

Also, we got 2 MPTs for 20% of the exam. And our C & F committee manages to get its ducks in a row before the exam.

Again, to summarize: NY = mad props.

Thanks – I was thinking of you recently when I saw there’s a new book about the Collyer Brothers…

Hope all is well – and thanks so much for the pep talk mid-study. It really helped.

Congrats, Hello Again! Well-done!

I remember when I handed in my last exam for the bar course, and thinking, “That’s the last exam for the rest of my life!”

Congrats, both on bar passage and on employment!

Well done on passing the Bar!

I know this is strictly off topic, but can anyone help re the good character and work/law school affidavits? How did they go about getting these done? I am in the UK and since my work experience and good character references are in the UK, an affidavit in front of a notary is quite an extreme reference to have to request from previous employers/law schools.

Any advice on how to get these sorted quickly? I know the people I will ask to act as a reference, but it’s the logistics of it all I’m not sure of.

Many thanks

Congratulations, Hello Again!!!:slight_smile:

May I ask what type of law you expect to practice, eventually?


I assume you are talking about NY. It is an extreme reference, and collecting the affadavits is a pain. I began by letting people know I would need these in the future, and that they were a requirement for me to practice law in New York State. Then I sent their paperwork to be filled out (because they do not have to write an original reference letter, there is a form) with instructions including a deadline with a stamped, self-addressed envelope so that returning it to me was as easy as possible.

Begin with the most difficult to obtain affadavits. As you may or may not know, all the affadavits must be dated within 60 days of each other for the application to be valid.

My three main interests that also fit in with my experience are criminal defense, immigration law, and employment law. Before graduation I was a finalist for a position with a local public defender where I had been an intern but they chose someone else. :frowning: People think PDs are the trash heap of the law world, but in NYC at least, it is extremely competitive.

And now with the bounce, you can feel good all over again.

I suspect many of us in fields where passing a standard exam is the minimum entry point to the rest of your life remember the terror, and the subsequent triumph on seeing a passing evaluation.

While you are reading this post, may I ask a quickie? I’ve got this neighbor with a mailbox that’s on my property, and I’m wondering if I should say anything (he’s a good neighbor) or if I can leave it alone. He mows that part of the yard, and isn’t there some kind of law where that means he can eventually stake a claim to it? I don’t want to get a whole appointment with a lawyer just to find out this one little thing…

You passed the bar exam. Poor dear, enjoy the last few days of freedom. THe big bad world of law is going to hit you. Soon.

I’m late to the game, but congratulations! Good luck in your new career!
