I Pit anti-Obama racists

What’s with this neverending pissing contest between the north and south all the time?! The War Between the States has ended. Let’s live in 2008, everyone.

I don’t know how completely it will quantify it, though I suspect the figures will lead to some interesting hypotheses. Part of the problem is that many of those who won’t vote for any black candidate will justify their vote against Obama on other grounds (e.g., “He’s too liberal” or “He’s elitist”). And part of the probem is that if, e.g., 90% of the black vote is for Obama while only 40% of the white vote is, that doesn’t prove that 50% f whites are racist – it might just mean that 50% of blacks are racist, and will vote for any black candidate against any white candidate!

It will show something if in state X in 2000 and 2004, 50% of whites voted Democratic and 500,000 showed up, but in 2008 only 40% voted Dem and 400,000 showed up. Moreso if in state Y the numbers were essentially the same from one election to the next.

A false equivalence – black voters have legitimate, non-racist reasons to vote for candidates of their own race which white voters have not; that does not hold for all time, only at this stage in history when African-Americans, unlike whites, still have a lot of problems because of their race. Getting more AAs into government won’t solve those problems, but it is an indispensable first step.

Every bit of which is so flatly, plainly obvious that I wonder how it is that so many white voters – and so many Dopers – can’t see it, or pretend they can’t.

They started it.


I started it.

No, The War Of Northern Aggression has not ended. The Union forced a surrender and the shooting pretty much stopped, but neither side made the point they intended to make. And what was once identifiable grievance in 1860 was swept under the rug where it has festered into vague and visceral aversion beyond the healing touch of reason. “You can’t have slaves or govern yourselves according to your own principles because we’ll kick your ass” was the message heard by The Confederacy. And while you can’t argue with domination you certainly don’t have to believe that in defeat you were ever wrong.

As for the OP. What would be even sweeter than the expression on the racist faces and the sounds of their heads asploding should Obama get to sit in The Big Chair, will be they way they reluctantly go back to work and pick up a paycheck if he’s half as successful as I think he will be.

The people surprised by it in this thread, there’s a good chance they’re going to really be surprised by it on election day.

This is a whoosh, right?

Get over it, man. It’s been almost 150 years. The war ended. If you want a war that didn’t end, look at Korea, where they have a big Demilitarized Zone with tons of artillery, almost no diplomatic interaction and one side lives in fear that the lunatics on the other are going to go crazy and hit the button any day now. The Civil War is Over.* Far as I know, wars never prove anything anyway. They’re not debates.

*Can someone PhotoShop a “Mission Accomplished” banner?

If you kill off enough of your opponents, the rest will shut up about the subject.

From that article:

IOW, “I am not a racist, I just hate niggers”.

Perhaps not, but sometimes they settle something.

And, then again, sometimes they don’t.

Check out the voting on that webpage.

Yes and no. I had a platoon sergeant from rural GA who had a Ph.D in philosophy (the US Army is a funny organization) who’d get drunk and go on for hours and hours about The War Of Northern Agression–that’s a bit of a paraphrase. He was a beligerant freak at times, but always a riot to be around.

The post was sort of relevant to the OP in that there are thought processes that go on under people’s hairs that are simply incomprehensible to other people. We’ve all got our realities and it rarely fails to shock us to discover how different ours can be from someone else’s. I’m not sure anything can be done about it, or if anything needs to be done about it.

“Lee Surrendered, I did not” bumper stickers were not uncommon in the South back in the 1970’s .

That’s classy compared to one I’ve seen: A Cornfed about to light a cannon; hapless Bluebelly tied to a cannon-mop sticking out of the barrel. Caption: “Fergit, Hell!”

I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean. Does that make me a bad Southerner?

“Forget? Hell (no)!”