I Pit "Babel" (with spoilers)

Hell, I am now!! Had no interest before…

Man, did they ever miss a trick in the advertising for this movie–“Come for the characterization, stay for the snatch!”

Might’ve won more Oscars that way!

The part I found cringeworthy was the complete idiocy they both showed–okay, she’s been shot and that’s a bad thing, no argument here. However, she was not bleeding out, the vet dude sewed her up fairly effectively, they had a perfectly good bus within HOURS of a hospital, and numbnutz Brad lets the air conditioned, CLEAN, perfectly operational bus leave without him and Cate who by that time was pretty stabilized and would’ve been even better off if they’d looked through luggage for a bottle of hooch to sterilize her wound with–pack it real good with the pretty likely CLEAN cotton underwear to be found in the same luggage and then drive a few hours to the fucking hospital. Deal, you know? Don’t go batshit asshole demanding something you’ve already been told isn’t available. That’s just stupid entitlement attitude talking and it makes me pissed off. They gonna medevac out the goatherd kids in a chopper? No, because they’re NATIVES, they don’t have an EMBASSY to call, shit just happens and they deal with it–I should feel, like Brad & Cate do, that because they’re Americans with money they should get things that are out of reach of any reasonable definition of normal services available in the place they decided to go touring in? Well, I don’t.

If you can’t handle what might happen to you in a third world country don’t go there! Don’t run around trying to make the entire world conform to your expectations because you didn’t think things through and it went badly for you. Cope, with some dignity!

No amount of snatch can make this movie worth watching. Besides, I had a better view of snatch when Britney went panty-less.

Yeah, but how did the Babel girl’s compare with Brit’s, because Brit’s was just not that appealling?

I just wanted to congratulate you on what was one of the most well thought out, best written rebuttals that I’ve ever read on this board. Bravo.

Of course it was a bit skanky, but at least you didn’t need a machete to see it. Not that there’s anything wrong with that look

Nonsense! It takes a vanishingly small amount of snatch to make anything worthwhile. :slight_smile:

I really liked Babel. The movie is about how communication keeps close people apart. I’ll spare you the biblical reference, but what this movie is about is people all want the same thing, yet treat those in which they can’t communicate with disdain. The distance someone living in your home feels when your native language isn’t their own. The distance cultures have to span for simple trust in others humanity. The distrust you immediately feel for those from a different culture and a different language. You hate the movie, that’s fine, but it spoke to me.

That movie was a fucking trainwreck.


This one and Syriana are at the top of my most recent ‘WTF List’.

That’s interesting, I did not like Syriana all that much because it was such a downer, but I did not question it’s right to exist like I do with babel.

Did Syriana have any snatch?

Thanks, AG, for so succinctly stating my objection to such insufferably selfrighteous movies as Schindler’s List, The Pizzle of the Chrizzle, Crash, Babel, ad nauseum.

I’m sorry you two can’t appreciate a movie beyond the complexity of XXX.