I Pit Martin Hyde

…nope. We don’t need to engage with people who have ordinary median American sentiments (AKA white people). We can tell them to fuck the fuck right off and that’s perfectly fine. And if someone like Martin is peddling outright genocide denial then “shouting it down as genocide minimization” is the very least I would expect from genuine allies.

I’m an indigenous person that isn’t even allowed to post in the thread about the death of thousands of indigenous children and you are here passionately posting in defence of the free speech of that guy?

You can fuck the fuck right off as well.

Civility is a tool of white supremacy. And Martin wields it so effectively here that you can’t even see what he has been doing. This was his first post in the original thread.

Martin posted on a subject he conceded he was deeply unfamiliar with. He talked about how the limited reporting he saw made it sound ominous but cast doubt there was substance to the allegations.

He thinks that this thing that he admits he knows nothing about sounds awful. Then proceeds to write word-after-word concocting fantasy scenarios that are at odds with all the evidence he hasn’t bothered to read.

Saying that this is being dismissive of genocide is being polite. Because after that Martin doubled down, then tripled down in thread-after-thread, and then finally took the mask off in this thread.

This isn’t Martin being ignorant of the facts. He knows exactly what he is doing. He masks it by writing lots of words and caveats and being polite. It is counter-productive to engage with Martin on his own terms. It is unhelpful for indigenous people to be told by people like you that it is “important to engage with people who have ordinary median American sentiments.” As if we haven’t been trying to do that for fucking ever.

Get some fucking perspective for fucks sakes.