I pit the Clark County (NV) Recorder

We could, except we didn’t. We saw no point in marrying twice, decided on Vegas because we’re both peope of refined tastes, and went ahead and did it. So currently, we’re married under US law, but not Dutch law, yet. That’s what we’re tryung to change now.

OtakuLoki, there’s an American Consulate in Amsterdam, as well as an American Embassy in The Hague. I thought about calling them as well, if push comes to shove, even though their website doesn’t mention anything about resolving matters with US administrative bodies for non-US citizens (well, one is, one is not :)).

But, good news - and it’s all thanks to my wife, who is as smart as she is beautiful. Being the pessimist (realist?) that she is, she applied for a few certified copies of the wedding certificate a few weeks ago. So, one of those is currently en route to Carson City, and will be expedited to me WITH an Apostille within a matter of days!

So, looks like I won’t even need gatopescado’s contactual skillz, even though that route sounds mighty interesting.

So, three cheers for Heloise! :slight_smile:

One more reason to not get married again in the Netherlands: we really like our wedding date. Namely, February 29, 2004. :smiley:

Glad that my advice wasn’t as far off as free advice can often be. :smiley:
But far more glad to hear that your wife is a very smart cookie!
Again, best wishes getting this mess straightened ASAP.

The loud bang followed by a louder splatting noise that you are about to hear will be the sound of my brain exploding due to feedback created by a cognitive short-circuit.

I have to ask - does this mean she’s only expecting anniversary gifts once every four years? :eek:

I hope not! I don’t have that kind of cash! Was thinking more along the lines of dinner and a movie every 10 years. :smiley:

Probably just a malfunctioning sarcasometer.