I received an amber alert notice

Maybe I’m the one being whooshed, but I took TBG’s post as a joke, especially in light of the last 7 words (italics mine).

Yes the fuck it is. Especially at 2am. And what good does it do to get one when I am in bed, and staying there. It’s not like I am going to go out driving around looking for a missing kid.

But I guess I must “think of the children”, even if it makes no sense.

I finally found the settings for this, but not in my Settings list, in another separate app. I must say I’m somewhat miffed that the President can text me whenever he wants and I can’t turn him off.

Thanks Obama.

The only people who need to look at these are criminal pedophiles… they need to know if folks are onto the. If you are not one of them, shut it off.

I’m not going to turn them off because a lot of kids have been found by people who had just gotten the alert. I remember one recently where a father and daughter were behind the car, and the daughter called 911 while the father followed at a discreet distance.

But here’s an article for y’all:

It’s not a fucking newsletter; it’s an emergency broadcast meant to help locate and possibly save the lives of abducted children. God forbid that inconvenience someone who can’t be arsed to silence their phone when they’re sleeping. It’s not like they know who is asleep or not, or expect you to go out if you aren’t already. Honestly the ones I’ve received have been during earlier hours, but no matter what time it is someone is out and about who might be able to spot the kidnapper. Sorry that a child is likely in the middle of being murdered at a time that’s inconvenient for your personal schedule.

I’m with JAQ. The option is there to turn the damn thing off and you shouldn’t be made to feel ashamed for using it. If I’m in bed at 2 am, I’m staying the fuck there.

I appreciate the urgency of Amber alerts, but there’s fuck-all I can do about them. Other people are better-qualified and in better positions to give aid. I don’t mind emergency responders sending out the alerts as long as I’m free to silence them on my phone.

How on Earth would you know that? What if you are in your car and directly behind the car of the abductor at the time they send out the alert? The only “aid” they are looking for is for someone to call the cops and say “Hey, I think I saw the vehicle”. You aren’t able to do that?

There’s no way of knowing who is going to be in the “best position” to help them find the guy because they don’t know where the guy is. That’s the fucking point.

What if I’m in bed at 2 am? I’m not getting up. What if I’m in front of my TV? What the fuck can I do? I’m not moving off the couch. Like I said, the option is there to turn off the alerts on my phone and I turned them off. That’s the fucking point. Don’t like it? Take me to the Pit.

Sept 11, 2015

A follow up interview with police revealed that several people called police reporting the car in question, and boxed it in on the side of the road when the opportunity presented itself.

What have you done with little Amber?

She’s no longer Amber, she’s Blue.

I would never know, because I don’t check texts while I’m driving!

Boy, now that would be an SD conundrum: If I’m reading my texts while driving, and rear end a pedophile kidnapping a child, am I a hero or a villain?

And what if you kill everyone in both cars? I say you’re a hero, maybe even a martyr. You’ve prevented a kidnapping!

Have you gotten one yet? They’re not ‘just texts’, it’s a blaryingly loud, wake the dead type sound. Personally, that’s my problem with them. If it was just a normal alert, the kind that would cause me to look down at my phone, I probably wouldn’t think twice about it. My issue is that it’ll wake me up in the middle of the night, it’ll jar me while I’m driving, if my phone is near my head, it’s deafening.
I don’t mind getting them, it’s just too loud. Instead of ‘what’s that’ it’s ‘omg how do I make this stop’ and then I can’t read it because I’ve deleted the alert trying to shut it up.

But I'll agree, being in a room when 10 or 15 of them go off at once is kind of amusing.

So you never leave your house? I guess in that case you may not ever be able to help. Though even then, the vehicle could be parked on your street but you’d at least have to look out the window. Definitely too much work.

That hasn’t been my experience with them. I suspect it might vary depending on the type of phone and what your current settings are (like if it’s already on vibrate or silence; I always keep mine on vibrate).

That’s very possible, but I will mention that I have an Android and mine sound similar to the iPhone in the video. I’m curious if it still makes all that racket if the sound is turned off.

It’s particularly awful when the phone is on my nightstand 18 inches from my head and I’m just about to fall asleep.

Like I said, I wouldn’t have a problem with them if they were at a normal volume, it’s how loud they are that bothers me. Even if they had their own ringtone, that would be okay. Maybe even if you were forced to do something to stop them (like an alarm as opposed to an alert), I could deal with that. It’s the volume.

Do you have a problem with me, or are you engaging in RO? I support your right to keep Amber alerts turned on on your phone. If you have a problem with me turning them off, lick my ass.

Yes, I know this comment is inappropriate in MPSIMS and I accept any warning I might receive without complaint.

Wow. I can’t believe how self-absorbed some of you are.

I’ve got the solution to that. We’ll create a new app, called Santa, which know when you are sleeping and knows when you’re awake. (Bad or good upgrade coming soon.) It will suppress Amber Alert messages when you’re sleeping.
Happy now?