I think I would have had to steal this persons car on principle...

I agree.

The only lesson that would teach you is that that person is a total jerk.

As an aside, why don’t cars have functioning rear windows these days? I used to drive a heap of junk from 1983 and although bits kept falling off or breaking, you could see perfectly out the back to park it. Now, I finally have a car that I am actually worried about denting while parking it, and I can see bugger all out of the small letterbox-shaped aperture at the back. I still refused to get reversing sensors, though, cos they’re for ladies and pensioners :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow. How the hell did this woman find a street spot anywhere near the PATH station??? That’s the amazing part of the story, if you ask me.

I am not the world’s best parallel parker. If at all possible, I will avoid doing it, because I know it takes me some time. I can get into a spot without hitting the cars on either side, but it might take a while, and I’m never satisfied with the finished product. I used to get my best friend to park for me, but I’ve outgrown that–I’m nearly thirty years old, I should be able to park my damned car myself.

But handing her keys to a complete stranger on Sinatra Drive seems like one of the dumbest things anyone could ever do. Please tell me her car didn’t have Jersey plates!

I do think that you should have told her that her actions were unwise.

I learned to park from a stranger that one does give ones keys to, an attendant at a NYC hotel. He directed me how to parallel park a car that was far larger than I was accustomed to driving. He gave clear advice that has been generally applicable and stuck with me. I tipped him handsomely, at least he seemed very pleased, but certainly not more than the advice was worth. I may not be the best at parallel parking, but I am good enough now to park on Devon street without causing harm, so I am happy.