I thought it was common-knowledge.....

My family calls that the “back door trots.”:wink:

I’m also American, and have never heard it before. For a minute I thought it was a slam against the president of Afghanistan.

We always called them kiboes (long i) when I was a kid. This was some vernacular picked up from my brother’s boy scout troop in California. I’ve never heard anyone else use the term since, though.

So if a person was fanatical about outhouses, and made it difficult to buy one of their outhouses, would that person be a Khazi Nazi?

I referred to macadam once and the person did an :confused:.

And another friend refused to believe there was such a thing as a cherry picker.

Barfing and pooping at the same time is referred to as " Two exits, no waiting."


You must be confused, we call that “pukin’ and dookin’” :wink:

I’m glad I’m not the only one who read the OP with no hope of comprehension.

In Girl Scouts we called 'em biffys- Bathroom In Forest For You! :smiley:

Years ago, I was music directing a show, and my then-GF had a lead role in it. We both needed a little help with the score, so we called on her good friend Steve to play some piano for us. Now understand that Steve is quite the accomplished musician, and is a hell of a sight reader.

At the end of our session, we thanked him profusely. He said “I’m sorry that my sight reading was so terrible.” I replied “Are you kidding? Dude, you’re a monster!”

Both he and GF got totally offended by that. I genuflected until my pants were baggy, trying to explain that it was the highest form of compliment. They remained convinced that I’d just accused him of being a pedophile. They never forgave me for that.

Isn’t it common knowledge that “monster” is a compliment?

Considering the context, I fail to see how either of them could have been offended by that.

Even if they didn’t realize it was a compliment ( it’s pretty clear from context, even if you didn’t know exactly what that slang meant) why did they think you were calling them a pedophile???

Search me.

I think the context made it quite clear, but apparently it wasn’t. Why would I insult someone who just did me a huge favor?

I’d bet money on a guilty conscience.

It’s a made-up word from the italian (“casa” in the context of house of ill repute), so there’s no “official” spelling.

I always thought it was Indian like “khaki”, which is probably where the spelling came from, but apparently not!

The additional “r” is most likely due to variantions in English accents… in the south of England we use a long “a” (khaaaarzi), in the north of England it’s a flatter “a” (kha’zi). Ask a Yorkshireman and a Cockney how to pronouce “bath” or “grass” and you’ll get the idea.

I’m thinkng the latter is an error related to the name of the Afghan president Mohammad Kharzi.

I know of kharzi as slang for bathroom/outhouse (I think it’s probably British army slang from India), and guessed the meaning of the phrase, but outside of a few of my buddies, it would get you puzzled looks around here as well.

The what side?

A pit what?

Once again, we are both united and divided (and perplexed!) by our common language.

Scouse - Wikipedia :slight_smile:

Dunny = Aussie bathroom. I have a coworker who referred to the dunny once and oddly I was the only person, in a room filled with people of a bunch of nationalities, who knew what she was talking about. Where I picked up the word, I have no idea.